Program Evaluation
Program Evaluation
Evaluate the hypothetical program that you created (DOMESTIC ABUSE in PUBLIC HEALTH) using the following types of evaluation: formative, process, outcome, and impact. Identify each type of evaluation that you are using and the part of the program to which it applies, program goals, and program accomplishments. Describe successful areas of the program and areas that need improvement. For the areas requiring improvement, present the changes that will be made, the anticipated outcomes, and how those changes would be evaluated.
Write a 15 page, double-spaced paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Utilize at least 7 scholarly sources in your research and be sure to include a references page. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Submission Details
- Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.
- Cite all sources using the APA format
Requirements: 15 pages, double-spaced
Please make sure that the scholarly references are peer reviewed. Also keep in mind, that this is my final paper so, everything has to be grammarly correct, concise and as detailed as possible.
My professor posted this as a guideline for this project:
Evaluate the hypothetical program that you created using the following types of evaluation: formative, process, outcome, and impact. Remember the meaning of each of the evaluation processes:
Formative: Ensures that a program or program activity is feasible, appropriate, and acceptable before it is fully implemented. To what extent is the need being met? What can be done to address this need?
Process: Evaluating how the process of implementing a project fared. Were the components of the intervention implemented as planned?
Impact: Effects of a program. What short-term or immediate effect did the intervention have?
Outcome: The real health impact of a program, and to theoretical links made between short-term impact and long-term outcome. Did the intervention affect the health problem/issue that was the ultimate target?
Identify each type of evaluation that you are using and the part of the program to which it applies, program goals, and program accomplishments.
Using your developed program, explain how each type of evaluation will be used, when it will be used, and how it affects (shows) the program goals and accomplishments.
Describe successful areas of the program and areas that need improvement. For the areas requiring improvement, present the changes that will be made, the anticipated outcomes, and how those changes would be evaluated.
Hypothetically, complete the evaluation process for the outcome and the impact evaluations to determine areas of success and areas needing additional improvement. You must state at least one of each in order to continue with the assignment. For those items needing improvement, what changes can be made to improve them, how will those changes affect the outcomes, what will now be the anticipated outcomes, and how those new items will be evaluated (what evaluation type, when it will be used, and how it will be used). Use published, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles to support your claims.