Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Discussion Board – Unit 5 Sylvester – Politics, Social Value, and Judicial Decisions

Discussion Board – Unit 5 Sylvester – Politics, Social Value, and Judicial Decisions


This week, you are continuing your study of constitutional principles and discussing any biases that may exist in the legal system. In regard to the Eighth Amendment, the United States Supreme Court has held that the death penalty is not a per se violation of the Eighth Amendment. Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153 (1976). After the Gregg case was decided, the Court issued several cases addressing the death penalty. Focus your discussion on the following:

1. Review the following Web sites of organizations:

Does your state (TEXAS) have its own Innocence Project organization or other organization to help those who have been wrongly convicted?

  • Provide your opinion about these organizations.

2. Based upon your research, what are the pros and cons of using the death penalty?

  • Explain your position on whether the death penalty should be available in the criminal justice system.

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Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy

Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy

  1. Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health policy.
  2. Identify and articulate an action plan for nurses to increase involvement.
  3. The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  4. The paper is to be no shorter than 5 pages; nor longer than 7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  5. Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
  6. Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style

Requirements: 6 pages


1. the APA template for The Role of the Professional Nurse

2. the guidelines on what should be included in your paper

please, remember turnitin( more than 20% similarity will be grade 0) and remember what happened with last assignment, the professor is picky.

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Public health analysis

Public health analysis


Successful completion of this project is intended to demonstrate the student’s ability to effectively “synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in coursework” (CE Handbook, rev. Aug 2016), as well as demonstrate application of theory and theoretical principles in discussion of a public health topic of choice.

Online program students are asked to complete a Public Health Analysis (PHA) for the ILE requirement. The resulting PHA is expected to be a “high quality written document that demonstrates achievement of the core and program competencies” (CE Handbook, rev. Aug 2016) associated with the student’s program of focus – for CAEPH students: OHSM

Upon completion of the MPH degree in occupational health and safety management, graduates will have the following competencies:

  • Integrate the fundamentals of project management into occupational and/or environmental health and safety programs.
  • Implement financial management within an occupational health and safety programs.
  • Analyze safety and health investment strategies and cost/benefits of health and safety.
  • Apply systems thinking to occupational/ environmental health programs and strategic management.
  • Evaluate the program performance for ongoing improvement.

Students should work to identify a topic of interest for their PHA, while considering the program competencies that they’re interested in addressing. The successful PHA may take several forms – applied research, literature review, critical review of PH issue with recommendations, evaluation of PH project/program, policy analysis, etc. – but, in all cases, the final product must be a high quality written document.

The student and advisor will work to identify (at least) three program competencies to be successfully demonstrated in the PHA and will coordinate any timelines and deadlines for timely project progress and completion directly.

Successful completion of an ILE/PHA will be based on the development of an agreed upon assessment rubric between the student and the mentor. After report completion, the mentor will work with the student to review the strengths and any areas of improvement needed to the report, in regards to the rubric.

Some examples include:

  • Investigating and proposing solutions to a public health or workplace problem
  • Evaluation of a workplace program or project
  • Developing a training manual with materials and learner evaluations
  • Critical review of a public health or workplace issue with analysis and recommendations
  • Policy statement based on a critical analysis with supporting research

NOTE: Please ensure that you’ve thoroughly reviewed the current SPHTM Integrated Learning Experience Handbook for detailed information regarding registration requirements and limitations for ILEs, as well as comprehensive material on assessment and evaluation of your PHA.


please use a different topic from the previous paper. Thank you.

Requirements: 3-5 pages double spaced


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