Author name: Rosemary Mosco

3 pages Narrative essay.

3 pages Narrative essay.

The topic is ” how to tame a wilde Tongue ” by Gloria Anzaldua. One sentence that stood out for me is “So, if you really want to hurt me, talk about my language”.

We will need 3 pages max, find the argument and discuss it. please keep it 100% plagiarism free or if you decide to quote anything online go ahead and put an in-text citation.



Story/Passage “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua in the book “Ways of Reading”. We will write an essay where we mix personal and academic writing to convey an overarching theme, message or argument. Again, I am asking that you create arrangement based on an intentional method of organization, designed by you. Your subject for argument, however, is of your choosing. Likewise the Narrative moves you to make are also your own.

1. discovering the argument/point you wish to make based on your intellectual curiosities

2. using her Narrative Moves: biography, autobiography, symbolism, Metaphor, photo narration, Historical Context, point of view shifts (1st to 3rd person), perspective shifts, and any other method she suggests. You may use 3 or more, depending on what works with your subject and interest.

And it must be 100% plagiarism free essay. If any quotes will be taken from any online source please do an in-text citation.

3 pages Narrative essay. Read More »

Professional Development Exercises: Nursing Ethics

Professional Development Exercises: Nursing Ethics

Professional Development Exercises :

Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission

Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments).

Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.

You are not required to adhere to the 500-1000 word count for each of the responses, but please be thorough in your responses so that you adequately address all aspects of each question.


1. The paper should be written in APA format and not question and answer form.

2. Please maintain your TurnIt In similarity index at 0% as indicated in the getting started page.

3. Avoid writing in the first or second person (e.g. I, we, you, us). Speak in the third person form (e.g. he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves). If you need to refer to yourself, use “the author”

4. References must be scholarly peer reviewed articles. All references, need to be within 5 years (so nothing later than 2013) as indicated in the Getting Started page tab.

5. Avoid using references from .com sites because they are typically privately owned and have biased. Use references from .edu (education), .gov (government), or .org (non-profit organization) sites.

6. In text citations. Please review you create in text citations.

Paraphrasing: Medical surgical nurses possess skills required in specialty departments (Smith, Jones, & Johson, 2015).

Direct quote: “Medical surgical nurses possess skills required in specialty department” (Smith, Jones, & Johnson, 2015, p. 200).

Direct quote: A study by Smith, Jones, and Johnson (2015) found that “medical surgical nurses possess skills required in specialty department” (p.123).

7. The first time you use an acronym write out what each letter of it stands for and put the initials in parentheses. For example,

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

8. Make your sentences succinct and too the point. Try to limit it to approximately 20 words, otherwise it makes it convoluted for your reader.

9. Do not start you sentence with a demonstrative pronoun (This, That, These, Those). Demonstrative pronouns are typically reserved for the spoken language when the person speaking can gesture toward the object they are talking about.

10. Avoid starting a sentence with “it” because emphasis is placed on that word, and you message loses vividness.

11. Page requirements: I believe you can cover the topics sufficiently with a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages EXCLUDING your reference page.

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Leading in a Multicultural VirtualOrganization

Leading in a Multicultural VirtualOrganization

Leading in a Multicultural Virtual Organization

Refer to the article “Successfully Transitioning to a Virtual Organization: Challenges, Impact and Technology,” where the author presents factors that can enhance or derail success in a virtual organization.

Imagine that you are a certified project manager at Arup. Arup conducts robust post-project peer reviews. You are assigned to assess the Water Cube team’s performance managing a global, virtual, and diverse project team.

Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses these items:

  • Select two enhancers from the model in Figure 1 below. Assess whether or not the Water Cube project management team achieved the selected enhancers. Identify specific examples to justify your assessment.
  • Select two derailers from the model in Figure 1 below. Assess whether or not the Water Cube project management team successfully avoided the selected derailers. Identify specific examples to justify your assessment.
Figure 1: A Model to Enhance Leadership Skills for Success in a Multicultural Virtual Organization
Promote trust and maintain effective working relationships with virtual workers.Inability to establish the additional levels of trust required with remote workers
Establish virtual guiding principles and organization charters to ensure the organization is in alignment.Inadequate communications skills required for virtual network effectiveness
Identify and define virtual worker roles, responsibilities, and accountability.Lack of comfort and expertise with technologies required for success in the virtual organization
Establish a reward and recognition process commensurate with the virtual organization characteristics while maintaining consistency with traditional organization structure.Inability to address conflict resolution within the group
Demonstrate cultural competency when interacting globally.Lack of sensitivity toward different styles of communication
Successfully transitioning to a virtual organization: Challenges, impact and technology. (2010, April). HR Magazine, 55(4), 1–9.


Successfully transitioning to a virtual organization: Challenges, impact and technology. (2010, April). HR Magazine, 55(4), 1–9.

Smits, K. (2017). An invisible constraint: Don’t overlook the power of organizational culture. Here’s how to nurture a positive environment. PM Network, 31(5), 24.

another reference:

Zou, P. X. W., & Leslie-Carter, R. (2010). Lessons learned from managing the design of the ‘Water Cube’ National Swimming Centre for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 6(3), 175–188.

Leading in a Multicultural VirtualOrganization Read More »

King Louis and the three charges

King Louis and the three charges

It’s a 5 paragraph essay that talks about the three charges of King Louis. The first paragraph should talk about the introduction of the three charges and the second one should be about the 1st charge and the third one should be about the 2nd charge and the 4th one should be about the 3rd charge which is the last charge. Lastly the conclusion to the three charges of King Louis. I need you to cite notations for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraph. Each paragraph should be 5-6 sentences. I need you to put the page number of where you got the information from and do not plagiarism please. Please have it in MLA format, and King louis was accused for various crimes of the people in France, his charges include 1, supporting unfair system of government that takes away rights from the citizens of his country, and 2, wasting tax dollars for his personal life and unnecessary rights and 3, hate crimes and discrimination against the Huguenots. And lastly is should be done in MLA format. I have attached a powerpoint on what the essay should be about. Please follow it.

BOOK: World History-California Edition

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