Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Discussion: Working with groupsconfidentiality

Discussion: Working with groupsconfidentiality

One of the most important concepts in clinical practice and group work is confidentiality. All members of the group sign an informed consent form in order to address the rules and parameters of the group sessions. The rules regarding confidentiality are stated in one section of the form. Although every member must sign this agreement, ensuring that all information shared in the group remains confidential can be difficult. As the group leader, the clinical social worker is responsible for developing strategies so that all members feel safe to share.


For this Discussion, review the “Working With Groups: Latino Patients Living With HIV/AIDS” case study. Provided Below:

Post strategies you might prefer to use to ensure confidentiality in a treatment group for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Describe how informed consent addresses confidentiality in a group setting. How does confidentiality in a group differ from confidentiality in individual counseling? Also, discuss how you would address a breach of confidentiality in the group.


Then Respond to a colleague who used a different strategy in addressing the issue of confidentiality. Discuss the importance of confidentiality in treatment groups. This will be provide after they post!!!




Reference: Please Use the Following

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Chapter 11, “Task Groups: Foundation Methods” (pp. 336-363)

Chapter 12, “Task Groups: Specialized Methods” (pp. 364–395

  • Himalhoch, S., Medoff, D. R., & Oyeniyi, G. (2007). Efficacy of group psychotherapy to reduce depressive symptoms among HIV-infected individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 21(10), 732–739.
  • Lasky, G. B., & Riva, M. T. (2006). Confidentiality and privileged communication in group psychotherapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 56(4), 455–47

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Chapter 1, “Introduction” (pp. 1–42)

Chapter 2, “Historical and Theoretical Developments” (pp. 45–66)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].

“Working With Groups: Latino Patients Living With HIV/AIDS” (pp. 39–41)

Discussion: Working with groupsconfidentiality Read More »

Essay quesiton: Indicate the answer just below the question

Essay quesiton: Indicate the answer just below the question

Provide written responses to the following questions. Prepare your responses in a Word document (with your name on it) and submit it via the TurnItIn link provided in the class Canvas site under Week 4.

15 points each

  1. Store #34 of CDA Hardware Associates has had below average sales over the past few years. As head of franchise operations, you are concerned with the continued low sales volume. The store manager wants you to diagnose the problem and recommend what might be possible causes. Using at least 3 parts of the MARS model in your text, provide a possible reason for each part of the model as to why employees at Store #34 might be performing below ave2rage. Provide an example for each of the possible reasons.
  2. You supervise 20 sales representatives who are spread out across the country. You must monitor their work and have frequent communication with them from company headquarters. Considering the text/course material on feedback and motivation, how would you design a feedback plan that would improve the performance of these employees with respect to increasing sales with new clients.
  3. Your organization wants to improve employee motivation. The employees already appear to have strong P-O expectancies and the outcomes valences are quite favorable for supporting strong performance. However, employees seem to have a low E-P expectancy. What is this and what could your company do to address this?

10 points each

  1. What is emotional labor? Provide an example of a situation when you have experienced emotional labor. What kinds of jobs tend to involve emotional labor? What can organizations do to help minimize the negative consequences of emotional labor?
  2. Choose ONE of the following questions to answer.
    1. There is an ongoing debate in the organizational behavior field as to whether one should consider the personality traits of job applicants when selecting them into an organization. Take the view that personality traits should be considered in the selection process and provide an argument for your position. Why is this important? Does industry/type of job matter?
    2. A courier service laid-off a large percentage of its production staff during last year’s recession. These low-skilled employees performed routine tasks filling orders. The company now wants to rehire them. However, most of these former employees have since found employment in other companies and industries. Do you think the company lost much of its intellectual capital in this situation? Explain your answer.

Essay quesiton: Indicate the answer just below the question Read More »

History of Psychology

History of Psychology

Your first Assignment for History of Psychology will assess your understanding of the material you have learned in the first four units. You will be required to consider how philosophy and physiology have influenced early psychological thought and how that applies to psychology today.

Write a 2–3-page essay incorporating the following:

Requirements for this Assignment:

Your paper should include a title page, introduction with thesis statement, and conclusion. Below is a link to help you with your introduction and conclusion:…

Your paper should be 2–3 pages, not including the title page or reference page.

Your paper should include a reference to the textbook. APA formatting and in-text citations must be used for each source referenced. When referencing the readings, be sure to use APA guidelines. Information regarding APA formatting and citation can be found in the Writing Center and should be reviewed thoroughly. Below is a link to the document:…

Your paper should use Standard American English including correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs. Your paper should be free of typographical errors.

Your paper should include a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.

Your paper should demonstrate superior organization. Communication should be highly ordered, logical, and unified.

You should follow these guidelines for your paper:

  • Title page
  • Main body of the paper — 2–3 pages
  • Reference page
  • Correct APA formatting for in-paper citations
  • Standard margins: 1″ on all sides
  • Standard 12-point font size
  • Standard double spacing: Average of 22 lines per page, and between 20 and 24 lines per page
  • Text is left-justified

Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894) ( physiologist)

John Locke (1632–1704) (Psychologist)

History of Psychology Read More »

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