Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Food Culture

Food Culture

The Abominable Pig – Questions to consider and take notes

In your out of class journal, please answer at least three of the six above questions. You pick which questions you would like to answer. Like the last out of class journal, it should be a minimum of 500 words and please provide a word count.

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Typology, Victim Selection, and Investigation

Typology, Victim Selection, and Investigation

The “Unabomber,” The “Zodiac Killer,” and the “BTK Killer” were all serial killers who remained at large for a long time. The Zodiac Killer has still never been captured.

Choose any of the three killers named above and create an 8- to 10-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint that covers the following points:

  • Describe the killer’s activities and victim selection.
  • Determine the killer’s typology.
  • Describe and critique the investigation:
    • Were the police methods effective?
    • Are there investigative tactics or resources available today that would have been of assistance in the investigation?
    • How did the police and other agencies work together?
    • Did the investigators engage the public in any way, to assist in the investigation?
  • Describe how the investigation ended, or its current status.

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Paragraph 2- Please respond to the following post.

Paragraph 2- Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post with a long paragraph, with references and citations, in alphabetical order.

Define critical thinking and evidence-based practice. Discuss what critical thinking in nursing practice entails and explain why it is important. Discuss the role of critical thinking and evidence-based practice as they relate to patient outcomes.

Paragraph 2- Please respond to the following post. Read More »

Discussion Question

Discussion Question


You have been hired as an organization development consultant for a medium size manufacturing company. After analyzing the company, you suggest some change initiatives to be implemented in the organization. Several of the senior employees are not happy about the change and have provided several valid reasons to back their claim that the change will not be successful. Some consultants believe that resistance to change may actually be good for a change initiative while others disagree. Discuss the impact (both positive and negative) change resistance can have on the implementation of a new initiative.

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