Author name: Rosemary Mosco

2000 word Social Innovation Concept Report

2000 word Social Innovation Concept Report

Learning Outcomes

Discuss the principles and focus of community engagement as they relate to the relationship between business and marginalised or disadvantaged communities.

Evaluate the ethical and social responsibility of participants in business community organisations.


The purpose of this assessment is for students to develop a social innovation concept and to present it in a report. In this assessment you are required to consider theoretical and practical aspects of social innovation.

You are free to choose an existing community organisation and create a social innovation for their client group or you can develop an entirely new concept that you are passionate about.

You need to consider the following issues: the common good, financial environmen ethical implications implementation challenges.

A suggested structure for your report follows

You are required to research and use at least 10 scholarly sources to support your discussion. This will include benchmarks from other social innovations, business reports and articles. In addition, websites may be used sparingly if they are of direct relevance.

2000 word Social Innovation Concept Report Read More »

Paragraph4- Please respond to the following post.

Paragraph4- Please respond to the following post.

Respond to the following post with a long paragraph, with references and citations, in alphabetical order.

Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the public’s perception of nursing? Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurse’s role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system.

Paragraph4- Please respond to the following post. Read More »

Grammatical Rules

Grammatical Rules

Provide 2-3 pages, not including title page and reference page (do not go by word count). Use proper APA throughout. Use the references provided. Use subheadings between sections.

Application: Grammatical Rules and APA Format

Credibility in the criminal justice field depends on language competence. Learning, and then internalizing, grammatical rules and the appropriate formats and styles to follow when creating a document such as a police report, is a worthwhile challenge. Recurring errors are often the result of not internalizing the rules that govern communication. Identifying grammatical errors and attempting to correct them is one of the most effective ways to eliminate those same errors in the future. With conscientious practice, you might be able to eliminate these errors from your communications.

For this Assignment, take the Grammar and APA Assessment in this week’s Learning Resources. Review correct grammar use and APA formatting to identify challenges you face in applying correct grammatical rules and APA formatting in your writing.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Take the Grammar and APA Assessment in this week’s Learning Resources. Review correct grammar use and APA formatting to identify challenges you face in applying correct grammatical rules and APA formatting in your writing.
  • Describe 35 challenges you face in applying proper grammatical rules and APA formatting in your writing
  • Describe strategies you might use to address these challenges and explain why each might be effective
  • Include appropriate resources you may use to address these challenges


  • Johnson, W. A., Rettig, R. P., Scott, G. M., & Garrison, S. M. (2015). The criminal justice student writer’s manual (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 2 “Writing Competently”
    • Chapter 3 “Student Paper Formats”
    • Chapter 5 “Citing Sources in APA Style”


    • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Grammar Assessment. Baltimore: Author.

Grammatical Rules Read More »

Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study.

Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study.

Task: Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study. Follow the instructions below to explain the issue, provide an additional example of the issue, connect the issue to your field of study, and pose questions about the issue.Source: They are attached to the assignment. Choose either one. And answer the questions below.

Formatting your assignment

Incorporate these elements of APA style:

  • Use one-inch margins.
  • Double space.
  • Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.

Note: Title page is not required, but make sure you include your name and a title that reflects your topic at the top of the first page.

Number your answers and/or include the assignment questions so your instructor can see that you addressed each part of the assignment.

Respond to each of the following.

1. Provide an APA-style reference for the news article you selected. The format for the reference is as follows:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article in sentence case. Title of Newspaper in Title Case and Italics. Retrieved from

2. What is the current event or issue that is being discussed in the news article? Explain the event or issue, assuming your reader has little or no prior knowledge of it. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

3. Describe a specific real-life situation (other than one discussed in your news article) where the issue at hand has been observed. This could be something that happened to you or someone you know, or it could be a related event in the news. Explain the connection to the event or issue in your news article. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

4. What is your field of study and how do you see it relating to the event or issue in your news article? Answer in one paragraph. I don’t have a field of study yet. Associates in General Studies.

5. What do you want to know about the issue or event in your news article? List two or more questions that you could pursue as part of your research.

Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study. Read More »

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