Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Neurological, Perceptual, and Cognitive Complexities

Neurological, Perceptual, and Cognitive Complexities

1 – Identify a common perceptual, neurological, or cognitive issue and discuss contributing factors. Outline steps for prevention or health promotion for the patient and family. 300WORDS

2 – Discuss characteristic findings for a stroke and how it affects the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example. 300WORDS

Neurological, Perceptual, and Cognitive Complexities Read More »

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U2

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U2

What is the honest mistake rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What is the origin of the exclusionary rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What is the origin of the Miranda rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What are some of the limitations of the exclusionary rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U2 Read More »

Case Study – Security

Case Study – Security


A large fast-food chain unveiled a new touch screen register for its franchises. Each cashier was assigned a user ID and password combination to log in to the register. The system allowed the incorrect password to be entered four times before the register would lock and require a manager to unlock it with a key card. To prevent unauthorized access, the registers would lock after three minutes if the screen was not touched. When the register locked, only the cashier who was logged in prior to it locking could unlock it without a system restart.

After a few days in operation, restaurant managers started complaining about the amount of time they were spending unlocking the registers. Some cashiers were forgetting their user ID and password, so other cashiers would log in for them. It also seemed that the button layout made it easy for the cashiers to key in the incorrect password. The managers also complained that cashiers would leave for a break or end their shift and forget to log out of the locked register. The managers would have to reboot the system, a three- to five-minute process in order for the next cashier to log in. Additionally, managers noticed that grease was building up on the touch screens, making them less responsive.


Write a five- to eight-page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the new system and determine the design issues with this new system.
  2. Describe how you would correct the design issues with the system to make the restaurant managers happy.
  3. Create a design plan that:
    • Lists and explains the tasks associated with improving this interface.
    • Contains at least six tasks.
    • Includes realistic time estimates for each task to be completed.
    • Analyzes the development of the system in your plan.
    • Analyzes the testing of the system in your plan.
    • Analyzes the implementation of the system in your plan.
  4. Examine how this system balanced security and usability, and explain the challenges of incorporating system security and system usability into a design.
  5. Suggest changes that could be made to the security of this system to still meet security objectives but make the system more usable.
  6. Use Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative, Dia, to create a graphical representation of your proposed interface. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
  7. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include charts or diagrams created in Excel, Visio, MS Project, or one of their equivalents such as Open Project, Dia, and OpenOffice. The completed diagrams/charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine the strengths and alternatives of menu-driven interfaces.

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Discussion 200 words

Discussion 200 words

1. What are some of the newer possibilities for using new technologies like AI or other medical advances in the medical field? (75words)

2. SNMP: Below is an infographic of SNMP and the author discusses SNMP please research and post a case study of how an organization has implemented SNMP to manage and protect their network. You may also discuss any security vulnerabilities of SNMP protocol as well. (75words)

3. Discuss openflow protocol (Q3 image) and please discuss the details of the protocol such as any security concerns or vulnerabilities. (75words)

Discussion 200 words Read More »

BAD440 Research Design Methods & Applications UNIT1: Research Strategies – Discussion Board

BAD440 Research Design Methods & Applications UNIT1: Research Strategies – Discussion Board

BAD440 – Research Design Methods & Applications

Unit 1: Research Strategies – Discussion Board

300 words – APA style + References (please use the book as one of your references – will provide the info)

Assignment Description

In this class, you will develop a research proposal based on a business, organizational problem, or topic that you want to explore.

Selecting a Topic for Your Research Proposal Project

  • Using the worksheets in Chapter 6 (pp. 37–41) and the materials in Chapter 16, examine how you will determine what area you will focus on for your research proposal and what questions you might ask. (will provide the info)
  • Select your research topic. Please select a topic this week so that you are ready for the Unit 2 and 3 Discussion Boards and your Unit 4 IP.

Types of Research

Discuss the following:

  • Explain the differences between academic and business research approaches.
  • Explain which research approach you as a researcher would choose (i.e. quantitative or qualitative) for your particular research question/problem.

Assignment Objectives

s promised here are the info:

1)This file “Successful Business Research: Straight to the Numbers You Need-Fast! – Book Cover” is the book cover information to add as a reference.

2) This file Successful Business Research: Straight to the Numbers You Need-Fast! – Chapter 6″ from page 37 to. 41, sent in separated files – total of 5 pages = 5 files attached; are the worksheets that need to be examined how you will determine what area you will focus on for your research proposal and what questions you might ask.

3) This file “Chapter 16- Researching a Company” is a summary for chapter 16 of the same book, Successful Business Research: Straight to the Numbers You Need-Fast”

Notes: Instructor said this is going to be a proposal at the end when we reach at phase 4 which will be a “Unit 4 Individual Project”.

oday, my professor sent this note to the class about this assignment. Sharing it with you. ?

INSTRUCTOR NOTES: This class is unlike those you have had before. Our research is primary research. You will be creating a survey to answer your research question. So pick a topic you can develop a survey about and answer a SPECIFIC research question. Here are some examples and please do not choose those questions:

How do workers at ABC company perceive company parking arrangements?

Would residents of ABC community be receptive to a new Thai restaurant in their community?

How do employees at ABC company perceive their commute?

Why are employees at ABC company reluctant to get flu vaccinations?

You get the idea. Think specific and measurable. You won’t be able to answer questions like “would doing this increase profits?” unless you had some way to measure profits.

BAD440 Research Design Methods & Applications UNIT1: Research Strategies – Discussion Board Read More »

One case writeup, one discussion and two replies

One case writeup, one discussion and two replies

  1. Your write-up should be 1 to 2 pages, single spaced, at standard type face (12 or 14 point).
  2. It should briefly (in very few sentences) lay out the basic facts of the case. These are usually generally agreed upon by the time it gets to final appeal stage; i.e., the Supreme Court of a Federal District court.
  3. What is much more important is the issue at law – the dispute about what the law means or how it should be interpreted.
  4. What was the majority of the court’s decision in the case, and – more importantly – what was the basic reasoning behind this decision?
  5. If you are asked to read a dissent in the case, what was the decision and reasoning in the minority?
  6. Do you agree or disagree with the court’s decision? Explain why.

This week we also have one case writeup which I am going to send you over now. And please include your references in the response. You can cite certain external references as well to support your argument.

This is this week’s discussion question:

Historic Financial Scam: Eddie Antar — Crazy Eddie

Please research the above historic financial scam that connects to our laws today, present your learning to your group, learn from group members’ posts, and have conversations with others. Each original discussion post should explain: (please include 2-3 external references)

  • Who are the key players?
  • What was the financial scam or scheme?
  • What laws were violated? Or, if the scam is really old, what current laws would have been violated?
  • What was the response to the scam of government regulators? Did it lead to any changes in the law?

I will send you over this week’s lectures as well.

I will send you the other two students’ post later once they post them. You can work on the case writeup and the original discussion post first 🙂

One case writeup, one discussion and two replies Read More »

Career Counseling

Career Counseling

How does the new Career and Technical Education (CTE) differ from the old Vocation Education (Voc Ed)? To carry this forward, what is “Linked Learning” and what do its supporters envision for it? It does offer a very active role for career counselors. What is your opinion of Linked Learning? Do you think it could be successfully introduced into our current educational system? Why or why not? 2 sources required for reference and citation, necessary one attached below. 600 words.

Required source:

Dugger, S. M. (2016). Foundations of career counseling: A case-based approach. New York: Pearson

Career Counseling Read More »

I need a essay of 5 to 6 pages about the IMPORTANCE OF AMERICAN DREAM. It needs to include at least 5 academic resources( peer-reviewed articles, essays, news, …) and quote from them into the essay. The source should be 5 or more than 5 pages. Please find below the prompt for my essay. After reviewing the prompt, please let me know if you

I need a essay of 5 to 6 pages about the IMPORTANCE OF AMERICAN DREAM. It needs to include at least 5 academic resources( peer-reviewed articles, essays, news, …) and quote from them into the essay. The source should be 5 or more than 5 pages.

Please find below the prompt for my essay. After reviewing the prompt, please let me know if you will have any concerns or questions about it. Thank you.

I need a essay of 5 to 6 pages about the IMPORTANCE OF AMERICAN DREAM. It needs to include at least 5 academic resources( peer-reviewed articles, essays, news, …) and quote from them into the essay. The source should be 5 or more than 5 pages. Please find below the prompt for my essay. After reviewing the prompt, please let me know if you Read More »

Strategic Risk Management

Strategic Risk Management

a) Summarize the business of Visa Inc. and identify the strategy it is pursuing. Consider relevant competitive forces and use SWOT Analysis to analyze the company. Identify, describe and evaluate the key strategic risks(2-3 risks) the company is facing as well as their potential upside/downside implications.

(b) Recommend approaches to mitigate the risks you identified. Identify one strategic risk that is common to both companies. (Mastercard and Visa) Contrast the different ways both companies address this risk.

(c) Determine which company’s strategy is more likely to be successful, and state the rationale for your decision.

(d) Based on your overall assessment in this memo, focusing on the strategy and the strategic risk posture of the firms, should the Pierre Group complete the acquisition of Mastercard, Visa, acquire both companies or neither. Why?

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CB475ConsumerBehavior: Groups and SocietyUnit1DiscussionBoard – What is ConsumerBehavior?

CB475ConsumerBehavior: Groups and SocietyUnit1DiscussionBoard – What is ConsumerBehavior?

Unit 1: What is Consumer Behavior – Discussion Board 2

Deliverable Length: 600 words + minimum of 2 references

Assignment Description:

All people are influenced, including you. People sometimes buy things because they want them rather than because they need them. Sometimes, they only want things because others have them. Consumers’ buying behaviors are often affected by social, cultural, and group influences. Consider a product or service that you bought recently.

Identify the product or service, then answer the following questions:

Assignment Objectives:

CB475ConsumerBehavior: Groups and SocietyUnit1DiscussionBoard – What is ConsumerBehavior? Read More »

btc6210 Human Experimentation

btc6210 Human Experimentation

This writing assignment requires you to write a paper identifying all apparent and real conflicts of interest related to the Case Study in the attached articles and make recommendations for managing, eliminating, or reducing the conflicts of interest.

This assignment must be 3 to 5 pages in length, single-spaced, 12 point font, and 1 inch margins. References are to be listed in a separate final page of the assignment.

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Philosophy Artifact & Reflection Paper

Philosophy Artifact & Reflection Paper:

I. Artifact

Format: Your Name:


Your Name:


  • Possible virtues: beauty, justice, courage, wisdom, moderation, virtue itself.
  • It must include, in bolded type, someone using an example as a definition.
  • It must include, in bolded type, one instance where someone thinks a non-essential quality is essential.
  • It must include, in bolded type, a categorical syllogism.
  • It must include, in bolded type, a compound syllogism.
  • Make it as interesting as you wish.
  • The Artifact should be one page single-spaced.

II. Reflection Paper

  • The first paragraph should focus on the artifact and what you learned from writing it.
  • The second paragraph should answer this question: How has your understanding of philosophy changed during the semester? In other words, what did you think about philosophy before the class? How do you think about it now? What do you think is the importance of philosophy in the future (in your future)?
  • The Reflection Paper should be one page double-spaced.

log info will be provided if notes needed



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Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin

Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin

Analytical Essay (100 points)

-Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin


In this analytical essay, you will analyze 1). the article’s content, 2). historical context, 3). the credentials of the author, 4). its symbolism in American culture and, finally, offer 5). a personal reflection on its broader themes. These 5 sections, together, will create an analytical essay in which you have presented properly contextualized understanding of the document and its production, along with a personal reflection upon it.

1). Book content: Provide a summary of the content of the text. Basically, this is your chance to show me that you understood the reading and can put it in your own words. For this part, citations/quotations should NOT be used, and instead, paraphrasing and rewording should be employed to show your depth of knowledge. Obviously, this should be very brief and can’t possibly encompass everything. The most salient point should be privileged.

2). Historical context: Provide enough historical background to appropriately understand the production of the document. You should show that you understand where and when it was written and under what political circumstances it was written and what it sought to accomplish. Other factors you may choose to explore include socioeconomic, racial, colonial, economic and cultural factors. Your motivating question should be: how does this document help us understand the time in which it was written?

3). Credentials of the Author: Provide an overview of the author and consider their potential strengths and weaknesses. Some questions to engage include asking: who wrote it, and why was he/she an authority on the subject? Did they have special/insider knowledge? What was their personal background including perhaps education, political ties, etc? Was this a firsthand account based on personal experiences? Are they a reliable source?

4). Symbolism in American Culture: Provide an explanation of how this piece of writing helps us understand American (or colonial) culture at the time of it’s production. Does this document, in some way, tell us something about what the US was like? Does it provide special insight? What does it reflect about who we are as a people/as a nation?

5). Personal reflection: Provide an explanation of your personal thoughts/feelings/opinions on the author or the writing or both. Did you like it? Did you find it helpful or persuasive? Did it make you think or feel differently about American culture? Did it challenge your view of history? Did you like or not like it and why? You don’t have to engage ALL of these, but these may help you start to arrive at some conclusions.

Essay Organization: Each of these requirements should be treated as their own separate paragraph(s) in your paper, and you can use language from this prompt to create headers for each section if you’d like. Either way, this paper should not merely engage in bullet points, but instead should be written academically, in paragraph form using proper academic language and citation when needed. You do not NEED to follow these headers if you prefer to simply employ organizational techniques that will work for you. But if you’d like to, that’s fine too. I understand that it is likely that some sections will be much longer, and some much shorter. I expect this, so don’t worry about devoting equal time to each of them.

Formal Requirements:

-1000 words minimum, 1250 maximum

-All 5 sections are addressed thoroughly

-Outside sources aren’t required, but are allowed as long as a works cited/bibliography is included at the end of the paper, in APA citation.

-12 pt. font, TNR or Ariel preferred, double spaced

-Do not copy & paste the questions or number the questions on your essay.

Here are some resources that can be hints might helpful.

hint 1 :…

an access to read this book. log in my account to read it.


password: HRS161fall2020

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Information Governance & Analytics and Business Intelligence

Information Governance & Analytics and Business Intelligence


Here are the instructions:

Information Governance

Read the Information Governance InitiativePreview the document (I am attaching this) within various organizational strategies and respond to the following questions:

  1. What is Information Governance?
  2. How do Information Governance strategies impact accountability and compliance? Give specific examples from the five Information Governance organization examples provided in the reading.
  3. What are some of the design strategies used in implementing an information governance plan? What are the challenges associated with these strategies?
  4. How would you incorporate Information Governance topics into your IT Information Management plan?

Analytics and Business Intelligence

Go to SalesForce website (Links to an external site.) and review the Analytics and Business Intelligence tools. Explain how each of the apps you selected could help identify or address the following:

  1. Trends and Issues
  2. Market Demands
  3. Competitive Advantages
  4. Potential Constraints or Concerns
  5. Customer Lifetime Value


Cite all of your sources using current APA format.


MGMT 422 1.3 Module Review Rubric

MGMT 422 1.3 Module Review Rubric

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification and Analysis of the Main Issues/Problem
25.0 pts(Excellent – A) Identifies and understands all of the main issues in question. Insightful, and thorough analysis of all the issues.23.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Identifies and understands most of the main issues in question. Thorough analysis of most of the issues.21.0 pts(Average – C) Identifies and understands some of the issues in question. Superficial analysis of some of the issues in question.19.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Identifies and understands few of the issues in question. Incomplete analysis of the issues.17.0 pts(Failing – F) Identifies and understands very little of the issues in question. No analysis of the issues.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers to Questions
20.0 pts(Excellent – A) Answers to questions are clear throughout. Connection with class and study material goes well beyond the obvious connections among ideas; demonstrates insight and original thinking.18.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Answers to questions present some irrelevant information on topic etc., but very little; treatment goes beyond obvious connections with class and study material.16.0 pts(Average – C) Answers to questions are vague in places; some irrelevant or distracting information.14.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Answers to questions are unclear and/or confusing. Treatment is very superficial; paper may be well written but says nothing.12.0 pts(Failing – F) Does not address the questions. Treatment is very superficial and says very little.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrategy Choice and Justification
20.0 pts(Excellent – A) An appropriate, reasonable strategy is selected and successfully developed. Content knowledge is used correctly. Justifies the strategy, conclusion, and/or answer to the problem.18.0 pts(Above-Average – B) An appropriate, reasonable strategy is selected and moderately developed. Content knowledge used appropriately, with minor computation errors. Justifies the strategy, conclusion, and/or answer, but leaves out details.16.0 pts(Average – C) An appropriate, reasonable strategy is selected, but minimally developed. Uses content knowledge with conceptual errors. Attempts to justify the strategy, conclusion, and/or answer, but the justification is only somewhat relevant to the problem.14.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) There is an attempt to solve the problem. Barely any strategy is applied that could lead to an answer. Rarely uses content knowledge. Attempts justification for the strategy, conclusion, and/or answer, but there is no relevance or connection.12.0 pts(Failing – F) There is no attempt to solve the problem. No strategy is applied that could lead to an answer. Uses no content knowledge. Does not attempt justification for the strategy, conclusion, and/or answer.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLinks to Course Readings and Additional Research
20.0 pts(Excellent – A) Excellent research into the issues with clearly documented links to class (and/or outside) readings.18.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Good research and documented links to the material read.16.0 pts(Average – C) Limited research and documented links to any readings.14.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Incomplete research and links to any readings.12.0 pts(Failing – F) Provided no references or support of analysis.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunication, Style and Mechanics
15.0 pts(Excellent – A) Solution is presented in a clear and orderly manner so the reader can follow the flow of the solution and final answer. Chooses words for their precise meaning and uses an appropriate level of specificity. Sentence style fits audience and purpose. Sentences clearly structured and carefully focused. Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.12.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Solution is presented appropriately, but may contain a minor error. Reader can follow most of the steps in the solution and final answer. Generally uses words accurately and effectively, but may be too general. Sentences generally clear, structured, and focused, though some may be awkward or ineffective. May contain a few errors, which may annoy the reader but not impede understanding.10.0 pts(Average – C) Solution is presented appropriately, but contains conceptual errors. Solution is presented in an unclear manner. Scorer has difficulty following the sequence of steps. Uses relatively vague and general words, may use some inappropriate language. Sentence’s structure generally correct, but sentences may be wordy, unfocused, repetitive, or confusing. Usually contains several mechanical errors, which may temporarily confuse the reader but not impede the overall understanding.8.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Presents the problem in an unclear manner, steps are missing or out of sequence. Scorer cannot determine a sequence of steps. Tends to being vague and abstract, or very personal and specific. Usually contains several awkward or ungrammatical sentences; sentence structure is simple or monotonous. Usually contains either many mechanical errors or a few important errors that block the reader’s understanding and ability to see connections between thoughts.6.0 pts(Failing – F) Does not present the problem in a manner that can be deciphered. Misuse of words throughout. Awkward sentences throughout. Difficult to attach a thought process. Poorly punctuated, misspelled words, grammatically abusive.

Information Governance & Analytics and Business Intelligence Read More »

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U2

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U2

What is the honest mistake rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What is the origin of the exclusionary rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What is the origin of the Miranda rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What are some of the limitations of the exclusionary rule? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U2 Read More »

One case writeup, one discussion and two replies

One case writeup, one discussion and two replies

  1. Your write-up should be 1 to 2 pages, single spaced, at standard type face (12 or 14 point).
  2. It should briefly (in very few sentences) lay out the basic facts of the case. These are usually generally agreed upon by the time it gets to final appeal stage; i.e., the Supreme Court of a Federal District court.
  3. What is much more important is the issue at law – the dispute about what the law means or how it should be interpreted.
  4. What was the majority of the court’s decision in the case, and – more importantly – what was the basic reasoning behind this decision?
  5. If you are asked to read a dissent in the case, what was the decision and reasoning in the minority?
  6. Do you agree or disagree with the court’s decision? Explain why.

This week we also have one case writeup which I am going to send you over now. And please include your references in the response. You can cite certain external references as well to support your argument.

This is this week’s discussion question:

Historic Financial Scam: Eddie Antar — Crazy Eddie

Please research the above historic financial scam that connects to our laws today, present your learning to your group, learn from group members’ posts, and have conversations with others. Each original discussion post should explain: (please include 2-3 external references)

I will send you over this week’s lectures as well.

I will send you the other two students’ post later once they post them. You can work on the case writeup and the original discussion post first 🙂

One case writeup, one discussion and two replies Read More »

I need a essay of 5 to 6 pages about the IMPORTANCE OF AMERICAN DREAM. It needs to include at least 5 academic resources( peer-reviewed articles, essays, news, …) and quote from them into the essay. The source should be 5 or more than 5 pages.

I need a essay of 5 to 6 pages about the IMPORTANCE OF AMERICAN DREAM. It needs to include at least 5 academic resources( peer-reviewed articles, essays, news, …) and quote from them into the essay. The source should be 5 or more than 5 pages.

Please find below the prompt for my essay. After reviewing the prompt, please let me know if you will have any concerns or questions about it. Thank you.

I need a essay of 5 to 6 pages about the IMPORTANCE OF AMERICAN DREAM. It needs to include at least 5 academic resources( peer-reviewed articles, essays, news, …) and quote from them into the essay. The source should be 5 or more than 5 pages. Read More »

Strategic Risk Management

Strategic Risk Management

a) Summarize the business of Visa Inc. and identify the strategy it is pursuing. Consider relevant competitive forces and use SWOT Analysis to analyze the company. Identify, describe and evaluate the key strategic risks(2-3 risks) the company is facing as well as their potential upside/downside implications.

(b) Recommend approaches to mitigate the risks you identified. Identify one strategic risk that is common to both companies. (Mastercard and Visa) Contrast the different ways both companies address this risk.

(c) Determine which company’s strategy is more likely to be successful, and state the rationale for your decision.

(d) Based on your overall assessment in this memo, focusing on the strategy and the strategic risk posture of the firms, should the Pierre Group complete the acquisition of Mastercard, Visa, acquire both companies or neither. Why?

Strategic Risk Management Read More »

CB475 Consumer Behavior: Groups and Society – Unit1 Individual Project: What is Consumer Behavior?

CB475 Consumer Behavior: Groups and Society – Unit1 Individual Project: What is Consumer Behavior?


Unit 1: What is Consumer Behavior?

800-900 words – APA style and minimum of 3 references and citations

Assignment Description

Brand loyalty often starts with the art of persuasion or advertising appeal. Influences are everywhere—most often based on trends, people who others emulate, one’s family’s ideas, and groups one belongs to. When people buy products, their decisions are often influenced by social, group, and even anthropological effects that shape their consumer behaviors. New media have greatly influenced why and how people buy today, too. Social media are about sharing and virtual word of mouth that makes buying convenient, easy, and fast. This assignment is designed to help you see how advertising messages get people’s attention based on their relevance to people’s lifestyles.

Click on a favorite Web site that you might consider for buying a product or service. Once you have chosen a Web site, create an Advertising Appeal Analysis that includes the following information:

  • Time to Travel
    • Time yourself to see how long you are on the Web site. Track your clicks on items via the site.
    • What did you click on, and why?
    • Did you download anything?
    • How easy was it to surf around the site?
    • Were there any difficulties or interruptions in your site travel?
      • If so, did this make you want to leave the site, and why? What other observations do you have?
    • Write an analysis of 200 words about your time traveling around the site.
  • Message Appeal
    • Examine the text and photos presented on the site.
    • What drew you into the site and kept you there, and why?
    • Write an analysis of 200–300 words about how the site’s information and graphics appealed to your buying behavior and interest.
  • Surf Speak
    • Based on your clicks, likes, and selections, how would you describe your surfing patterns to a marketer to help make the site better and more appealing to you in the future?
    • Write a section of 200 words about how the marketer could “speak” to you via the site with advertising appeals that would make you want to visit and buy from the site often.
  • Media Match
    • Find an advertisement via the Web, a print ad, or television commercial that matches the company or product on the Web site.
    • Write an analysis of 200 words about how this ad complements the site or pushes customers to the site.
      • Explain its message effectiveness.

      Assignment Objectives:

    • Discuss the social, group, and anthropological views of consumer behavior.

CB475 Consumer Behavior: Groups and Society – Unit1 Individual Project: What is Consumer Behavior? Read More »

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