Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Off the Rails Paper

Off the Rails Paper

Read the scenario, Off the Rails: A Troubled Criminal Justice Agency.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper assessing the situation at the detention center. Include a discussion of the following questions:

  • How does the lack of leadership from the chief executive affect an organization? Can other sources provide leadership?
  • Who are constituents of the detention center? How are they affected by the situation?
  • What is the result when supervisors focus on process instead of people?
  • What trends found in Ch. 3 of Managing Police Organizations should the detention center embrace? How would you go about implementing them?
  • What does the research on leadership described in Ch. 7 of Criminal Justice Organizations suggest needs to change at the detention center? What attributes of leaders is suggested?

Include at least one scholarly source in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

attached is the “off the rails” scenario

Off the Rails Paper Read More »

Counterterrorism Strategies

Tittle: Mr
Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 1.5
Question Description: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Using the following links, read:
• The United States’ National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT)
• Combatting the Terrorist Threat Through Agility, Persistence and Resilience
After reviewing and assessing the National Strategy for Counterterrorism, perform a brief analysis of the NSCT and detail your key takeaways. In your opinion, do you think this strategy will be successful? Explain why or why not. Support your discussion via meta-analysis utilizing current trending data on the topics related to American Governance and policy.

Counterterrorism Strategies Read More »

7 page paper on political philosophy

7 page paper on political philosophy

Please answer the following prompt in 7 pages, double spaced, times new roman. PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. I will attach two texts which will be the only two sources allowed for the paper.


Please answer ALL the following questions:

Identify the main tenets of the Ancient-Modern debate and explain their significance.


Compare and contrast the positions of Boethius and Machiavelli:

What is Boethius’ conception of human nature? How does he interpret Fortune and the role it plays in human affairs? What does Boethius mean by False Happiness? Why is it false? How does his philosophy of human nature, fortune, and politics influence his understanding of happiness?

Machiavelli intends The Prince to be useful to those who are interested in acquiring and keeping power. To this end, he redefines the nature of human beings, the ends and purpose of politics, and fortune.

What is his new conception of Virtu? Where does one learn this new way of thinking and acting? What is this new way of thinking and acting? Why is this important? And, explain his conception of Fortune, and why it is important.

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Hi I have attached one of the texts that you will need and here is the link for the second text :…

7 page paper on political philosophy Read More »

Understanding Job Satisfaction

Understanding Job Satisfaction

Attitudes color every aspect of people’s everyday lives. Attitudes certainly affect an employee’s work life and organizational success. One of the major job attitudes is job satisfaction. The job itself may have qualities or factors that contribute to an employee’s job satisfaction or dissatisfaction; hours, pay, environment, culture, and the amount or type of work all play a role. Other factors can include the quality of social aspects of the workplace environment, such as employee relationships and support. Virtual work can have an impact on job satisfaction, as it may affect social relationships due to reduced face-to-face interaction.

In this Discussion, you will explore job attitudes at play at Walden Sports and come up with ways to measure them.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • View Introducing Walden Sports, Inc. found in this week’s media Learning Resources. Assuming the role of a consultant, identify job satisfaction problems within Walden Sports and think about data you may need to collect in order to better understand those problems.
  • Read the article “Organizational Behavior: Affect in the Workplace.” Consider the production of moods and their consequences in a workplace such as Walden Sports.
  • Read the article “Understanding Job Satisfaction in the Causal Attitude Network (CAN) Model.” Compare the measurement of job satisfaction models and how that can support your choice of data collection strategy. See Appendix B, the “Detailed Methods” section, on page 28.
  • Review the article “Attitudes: Satisfaction, Commitment and Involvement,” focusing specifically on pages 9–17. Consider the measurement of and challenges to measuring job attitudes and job satisfaction.
  • Review the article “Job Attitudes, Job Satisfaction, and Job Affect: A Century of Continuity and Change.” Focus on the varying methods of measurement and data collection presented.
  • Read the article “Exploring Different Forms of Job (Dis)satisfaction and Their Relationship With Well-Being, Motivation, and Performance.” Review qualitative and quantitative methods presented.

By Day 3

Post a response to the following: Provide an explanation of two problems related to job satisfaction expressed by the Walden Sports CEO. Explain which data you might need to collect in order to better understand the problems at Walden Sports. Finally, describe two specific strategies that you might use to collect these data and explain why you might use these strategies.


Brief, A. P., & Weiss, H. M. (2002). Organizational behavior: Affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53(1), 279–307.…

Carter, N. T., Lowery, M. R., Williamson Smith, R., Conley, K. M., Harris, A. M., Listyg, B., Maupin, C. K., King, R. T., & Carter, D. R. (2020). Understanding job satisfaction in the causal attitude network (CAN) model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 959–993.…

Crede, M. (2018). Attitudes: Satisfaction, commitment and involvement. In D. S. Ones, N. Anderson, C. Viswesvaran, & H. K. Sinangil (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of industrial, work & organizational psychology: Organizational psychology (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 3–24). SAGE.

.doc file | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

I wasn’t able to upload the video that is to be reviewed, but was able to upload the transcript so you can use that. Please use at least one of the attached articles as an APA format.

Understanding Job Satisfaction Read More »

Musculoskeletal, metabolism and multi system complexities.

Musculoskeletal, metabolism and multi system complexities.

1 – Describe some of the more common pathophysiological changes and abnormal findings associated with musculoskeletal, metabolic, and multisystem health dysfunctions. Explain what symptoms are associated with the findings and how these affect patient function.

2 – Explain the risk factors for osteoporosis. What can a nurse do to help manage this health condition to restore the patient to optimal health?

Musculoskeletal, metabolism and multi system complexities. Read More »

Need help with a assignment Forests and Oceans

Need help with a assignment

Forests and Oceans

Design a three-part, two-sided brochure to share with the general public about the importance of forests and oceans. This should be an original work consisting of:

1.An overall theme



4.One side about forests

a.Why are forests important?

b.Describe three actions which contribute to deforestation.

c.Describe three ways in which you could diminish the deforestation actions.

5.One side about oceans

a.Why are oceans important?

b.Describe three actions which contribute to ocean pollution.

c.Describe three ways in which you could diminish the polluting actions.

Be sure to cite any references used in the creation of your brochure, including providing credit for any images used.

Review this website for assistance formatting your brochure using Microsoft Word.

Use this brochure template for this assignment.

Need help with a assignment Forests and Oceans Read More »

Role of Theory in Research Discussion

Role of Theory in Research Discussion

For this Discussion, you will consider the role of theory in research and the relationship between theory and philosophicaFl orientations. You will also familiarize yourself with a theory in your field so that you may become more conversant in your discipline’s theoretical foundations.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post an explanation of the role of theory in research. Next, identify a theory in your discipline and explain its basic tenets. Then, with this theory in mind, consider your answer to the following question posed by Drs. Burkholder and Burbank in last week’s reading: “What do I have to believe about the world and about human beings in order for me to accept or use this theory?” (p. 27). Finally, describe the extent to which the epistemological and ontological assumptions of your chosen theory align with the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview.

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

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So the books names as follows:

Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J.H. (Eds.) (2020). Research design and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 2, “Paradigms, Theory, and Research”

My origical background Electrical Engieering, and i am technical trainer and training content as well as elearning developer.

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History paper 6-8 Pages

History paper 6-8 Pages

No common intro, separate part one and its refs from part 2.


Organize your answers carefully. Provide Examples and chronological references. Do not

be reluctant to voice your own opinion. Your answers have to be more than a memorization

of your textbook or class notes.


Part 1: Short essay 3-4 pages

Part 2: Short essay 3-4 pages

Remember you are making an argument. You are not narrating or describing the authors’ works. You are expressing your ideas which you support with references to the authors.


PART 1 Question:

Discuss Dante’s Inferno. What are the most salient political, cultural, and theological elements of the book? What does it tell you about western European culture around 1300? What was important to Dante and how he articulates his values in this book? YOU COULD FOCUS ON



Here is the link to the book Dante Inferno:… … press GET at the top to download the free PDF of the book.

PART 2 Question:

Discussing the Hundred Years War (while providing a short summary of the events) emphasize the social and cultural consequences of the war? How does Froissart (PDF pages 91-94) represent the conflict? How does he depict the different social classes in the descriptions of the battle of Crecy and the Jacquerie?


For Part 2 I posted the pdf below

History paper 6-8 Pages Read More »

Women in Technology (in STEM)

Women in Technology (in STEM)

I am looking for someone who can write 10-15 minutes of speech on the subject “Women in Technology (STEM)” . I want speech to be about how people underestimate women in STEM fields and how does one can inspire/encourage todays young girls to be part of todays technology and to pursue their dreams/studies in STEM fields.

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Thank you for responding very quickly. I do have some resources which might help you. here it is —> News & Press (

Research on how to write a speech so that you can be able to write a good speech.

Women in Technology (in STEM) Read More »

creating an infographic teaching tool

creating an infographic teaching tool

  1. Create an infographic teaching tool for the community educational project. View these links on how to create infographics:

Submit an 8 X 11.5 color (one page Word or pdf. document) infographic teaching tool for your chosen community. Please also submit a reference page in APA format with at least two references you used as sources for the information on the infographic.

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Does immortality have any essential role to play in an account of the meaning of life?

Does immortality have any essential role to play in an account of the meaning of life?

1) Must be 1000-1500 words

2) MLA Format

3) NO PLAIGARIZING!! (will be posted on turnitin)

4) Must cite (include citation page)

5) Make sure to clearly state the question at the start of the essay

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I submitted screenshots of the pages from the textbook to help answer the question

Does immortality have any essential role to play in an account of the meaning of life? Read More »

Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies

Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies

After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:

The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.
A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.
A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.
A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.
A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

Attachments area

Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies Read More »

Fully discuss TWO of the following prompts. Each essay should be at least two pages in length but may be longer. Refer to related course readings, films, and lectures, since the midterm exam, for support

Fully discuss TWO of the following prompts. Each essay should be at least two pages in length but may be longer. Refer to related course readings, films, and lectures, since the midterm exam, for support

ully discuss TWO of the following prompts.

Each essay should be at least two pages in length but may be longer. Refer to related course readings, films, and lectures, since the midterm exam, for support.

  1. What are the arguments bell hooks makes in Chapter 8, “Global Feminism” in Feminism is For Everybody, and how are her arguments important for today?
  2. What is bell hooks arguing in chapter 2 “Consciousness-Raising: A Constant Change of Heart,” and chapter 3, “Sisterhood Is Still Powerful,” in Feminism is For Everybody. How are her arguments relevant today?
free to use examples and quotes from the text

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Please make sure each prompt is answered in no less than 2 pages!

Fully discuss TWO of the following prompts. Each essay should be at least two pages in length but may be longer. Refer to related course readings, films, and lectures, since the midterm exam, for support Read More »

7 Business Questions – Answer must be 2-3 Paragraphs each per question

7 Business Questions – Answer must be 2-3 Paragraphs each per question

1. What are the important differences between a “capitalist – free market” economy and a “socialist” economy? Which do you prefer for the U.S. and why?

Use personal examples to show me you understand the two economic types.


2. How important are ethics in business and is it possible for a company or an organization to be operating legally but not be operating ethically? If it is possible, please explain how this could occur.

Use personal examples to show me you understand ethics and its importance in a company and our society.

3. What is a SWOT Analysis and how is it used? Could it be beneficial for an individual to do a SWOT Analysis on themselves?


4. Is money, paying employees more $$$, the best long-term motivator for employees or are there other, better things a manager can do to provide long-term motivation and job satisfaction? Explain. Use examples from your work history if possible

5. What constitutes “Sexual Harassment” and specifically “who” is subject to the sexual harassment laws? Do you believe that the recent increase in sexual harassment allegations is justified? Why or Why not?

6. What is “market segmentation” and why is it done? Give specific examples in your everyday life.

7. Marketing, especially “Promotion,” has been criticized as adding unnecessary cost to products and increasing both consumer and business costs. Is this a valid criticism? Explain. Use examples from your life.

Remember to use at least 2 paragraphs, preferably 3. A paragraph is more than two sentences.

.doc file | Discussion | 7 pages, Double spaced

7 Business Questions – Answer must be 2-3 Paragraphs each per question Read More »

Comparative and Argumentative Essay

Comparative and Argumentative Essay
Choose Topic: English
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: “There is a common saying that a job is who you are. Jobs have emerged as a theme in a number of stories we have read in this class. Choose two of the stories from the list below, and write an essay that advances an argument about how the protagonists find self-identity and value in their jobs, or struggle with the limitations and constraints of their jobs”. Make sure your essay gives equal attention to both stories and Your essays should take the form of analysis rather than description.Your essay should present a sustained argument that is well written, well structured, and evidence driven, drawing specific examples from the stories and critical thinking. MLA style and no plagiarism.

Comparative and Argumentative Essay Read More »

RecommendationSection-Need by 12/15

RecommendationSection-Need by 12/15

Provide a draft of the recommendation section of your paper. It should include evidence-based suggestions for future policies and practices related to the issue, or for ensuring a future for the type of organization that promotes equality and well-being, depending on the type of paper you are writing. This section draft should be at least 1,050 words. Review the final paper outline provided in Week 6 for guidance regarding content.


No references this week just the papers from before that I will add.

This is what the final paper has in it so this might help with this weeks paper:

Throughout your course work in Public Sociology you have learned about topics in applied and medical sociology, in addition to learning about the theoretical underpinnings and methodological rigor necessary to study topics in this area. The capstone brings together the knowledge gained throughout your program and can be used as a real-world example of your efforts in addressing a problem in your field. This Capstone course is more rigorous than a typical SOC course in that you are expected to demonstrate in-depth knowledge, critical thinking skills, and excellent writing and communication skills.

Based on your areas of interest and expertise, you will prepare one of two types of papers:

  1. A policy brief on an issue related to applied sociology (this is very broad, so get topic approval from your instructor) that outlines scholarly research on the issue; current policies related to the issue; the role of culture, politics, and social inequalities in the issue; and evidence-based suggestions for future policies and practices related to the issue. The final brief will consist of four components:
    1. a literature review on current scholarly research on the topic
    2. current policies related to the issue
    3. the role of culture, politics, and social inequalities in the issue
    4. evidence-based suggestions for future policies and practices related to the issue
  2. A case study analysis of a community-based organization and/or social program. The final paper should consist of four components:
    1. a literature review of the type of organization up to present day [How did this type of organization begin, how has it changed, and what is it like now?]
    2. the role of culture, politics, and social inequalities in the type of organization [How do political differences, cultural norms, and social inequalities like racism and sexism shape the organization?]
    3. the financial aspects of the type of organization [How is the organization funded and what are the implications of this?]
    4. evidence-based suggestions for ensuring a future for the type of organization that promotes equality and well-being

If your choice is to write a policy brief, the policy issue must be on a topic that is current and relevant to applied sociology.

If your choice is to write a case study, the case being addressed must pertain to a current organization or program, preferably one you have experience working in or with. A case study is an analysis of a current challenge the organization or program is facing.

  1. Applied sociology briefs and cases will likely surround: ethical issues, diversity issues, policy issues, and service delivery issues.
  2. Medical sociology briefs and cases will likely surround heath and some other issue, such as ethics, diversity, inequalities, policy, and practice.

The paper will be about 8800 words. This does not include the Title page, References, or Appendix.

For further assistance with the formatting and APA guidelines refer to the Ashford Writing Center (AWC):

Following is an outline for the Capstone paper and guiding questions for each section of the paper:

  1. Title Page
    1. Follow the APA Manual format for the title
    2. The title of your paper is the first heading the reader sees at the top of the page that begins the paper (not introduction or background)
  2. Background: Case Study (700 words)
    1. Provide a background of the organization or program.
    2. Provide a brief description (one to two paragraphs) of the organization or program that provides information about its vision, mission, and services. Identify other stakeholders involved with the organization as it concerns the topic of the paper. What data supports why this topic is important? What solutions have been attempted, if any? Why were the outcomes of those solutions?
      OR Policy Brief
    3. Identify the policy topic being explored; the topic history; importance of the topic locally, regionally, nationally, or globally; and who is or will be most impacted by the policy. Present the facts that support the problem exists and is worthy of a policy response. What data supports why this topic is important? What solutions have been attempted, if any? Why were the outcomes of those solutions?
  3. Statement of Challenge/Opportunity (700 Words)
    1. Case study: Identify the organization’s challenge being addressed, the activity being implemented, or the assets being strengthened. Explain the current situation and describe what issues the Capstone will be addressing. Identify a need for action or review the key arguments for why it needs to be addressed
    2. Policy Brief: Provide a description of the problem and the key arguments for why it needs to be addressed. Include a brief history of the problem and issue area. Only relevant history should be included. This could include legislative history, a history of policy actions, etc.
  4. Literature Review (2450 to 3500 words)
    1. What does the previous research say about the topic you are addressing?
    2. What are commonalities, interlocking findings and logic, or unanswered questions in the previous research that has been conducted on your topic?
    3. What assumptions, if any, have been made?
    4. This section can include data, testimony of experts in the field, reports and case studies, etc.
    5. Quotes are used sparingly – one or two direct quotes for the entire paper! You are to synthesize ideas and paraphrase.
  5. Analysis: (1750 words)
    1. What are the common threads, differences, and criticisms of the literature?
    2. How does the literature apply to, support, or conflict with the organizational issue or policy issue?
    3. Include tables, charts, or graphs if applicable.
    4. Include key actors, stakeholders, and constituents, and identify their position on the issue.
  6. Recommendation (1750 words)
    1. Present the recommended options, and identify and discuss the benefits and criticisms of the chosen options. What is the anticipated change or improvement that would result based on your research and analysis? Who needs to be involved, and in what way, for change to successfully happen?
    2. For the public policy paper, present the policy solution, including the authorizing mechanism (legislation, regulation, or executive action, etc.), how the policy will work, and what entity will implement it.
  7. Conclusion (350 to 700 words)
    1. Are the findings or recommendations briefly discussed in terms of the literature from the literature review?
    2. Are your insights clearly stated?
    3. Are implications for practice discussed?
    4. Are there suggestions for future research?
  8. References
    1. Include a list of references for all your citations using APA formatting.
  9. Appendix
    1. Include survey results or other information that is too detailed to be included in the report.
    2. Appendices are ordered as they appear in the narrative of the paper and are ordered by letter. For example, the first appendix is Appendix A; the second is Appendix B, etc. In the narrative, remember to point the reader to the Appendix by including text that reads something like: “(see Appendix A)” or “Appendix A provides a copy of the survey instrument used to collect data.”

RecommendationSection-Need by 12/15 Read More »

EnterpriseRiskManagement : Pleasereview the req for moredetails

EnterpriseRiskManagement : Pleasereview the req for moredetails


we are going to complete a reflection activity.

This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book.

Items to include in the initial thread:

  • “Interesting Assignments” – What were some of the more interesting assignments to you?
  • “Interesting Readings” – What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why? “Interesting Readings”
  • “Perspective” – How has this course changed your perspective?
  • “Course Feedback” – What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others?

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you can pick any of the interesting ones from the reading

Interesting Assignments:

1. the concept of corporate forensics using COBIT and NIST governance models. In addition, we will study the emerging trends in digital forensics and discuss the use of metrics in forensics measurements.

2. the concept of risk modeling

Few Reading Assignments:

1. Beasley, M. S. (2016). What is Enterprise Risk Management? Retrieved from

2. Hopkin, P. (2017). Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk Management (Vol. Fourth Edition). New York: Kogan – Pages 96-103. ( Part Two, Section 08 Enterprise Risk Management )

3. Do, H., Railwaywalla, M., & Thayer, J. (2016). Integration of ERM with Strategy (p. 35). Retrieved from Poole College of Management, NCSU website:

4. Enterprise Risk Management Integrating with Strategy and Performance Executive Summary. (2017, June). Retrieved from

5. Etges, A. P. B. da S., Grenon, V., Lu, M., Cardoso, R. B., de Souza, J. S., Kliemann Neto, F. J., & Felix, E. A. (2018). Development of an enterprise risk inventory for healthcare. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), N.PAG.

6. Schiller, F., & Prpich, G. (2014). Learning to organise risk management in organisations: what future for enterprise risk management? Journal of Risk Research, 17(8), 999–1017.

EnterpriseRiskManagement : Pleasereview the req for moredetails Read More »

Internet of things in campus memo

Internet of things in campus memo

It is Fall 2025, and the Acterra Environmental Group has nominated San Jose State for the “Campus of the Future” Award. You are the chairperson of the SJSU Alumni Association. Write a memo to Acterra president Alysson Bonnett and provide information about the way the university has implemented the Internet of Things technology on campus, and converted all of its buildings into “Smart Buildings”.

You will have an Introduction, Discussion and Recommendation.

In the introduction, provide a brief definition of Internet of Things (IOT) and smart buildings.

For the discussion, look to the future and describe at least three examples of the way buildings on campus are operating with IOT, and how it impacts the environment. For example, think of the library, classrooms, facilities, garages, dining areas, dorms.

In the recommendation stress San Jose State’s commitment to the environment, sustainability, and continuous improvement.Thank Acterra for the nomination.

Format: Your response will be in memo format, approximately 1.5 pages.

Use 12-point font, Times New Roman, single-spaced, with a blank line between paragraphs. no citation need.

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