Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Leadership in Nursing

Leadership in Nursing

Read Chapter 4 Answer this questions in APA format Times New Roman,12 font, and 2 references no more than 5 years.

1-which of the following behaviors may be (1) ethical but illegal, (2) legal but unethical, (3) illegal and unethical, and (4) legal and ethical.

A. Working in a clinic that performs abortions

b. Respecting the wishes of a client suffering from ALS that he be permitted to die with dignity and not placed on “breathing machines”

c. Respecting the health surrogate’s wishes regarding termination of life support of her friend

d. Observing a coworker take out two tablets of oxycodone as ordered for pain management for his patient but keeping one for himself, administering only one tablet to the patient.

2-differentiate among the following: deontological theories, utilitarianism, and principlism.

3-what do you think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients about a poor prognosis, even though the information may cause severe distress.

4-What do they think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients against family wishes?

5. You see a colleague use another nurse’s password to access the medication administration system and take out a narcotic. What would you do?

6.Your colleague’s child fell and was brought to the emergency department. She comes back up to the unit and tells you that they cleaned and debrided the wound, and she needs to change the dressings twice a day using a wet to dry method. You see her go into the supply system and remove the dressings and saline using a patient’s identification number. What would you do?

7. You are caring for a patient who has a terminal disease. He asks you if he is dying. Would you tell him? If yes, how? If no, what might you say? .

8-You are administering hydromorphone to a patient. The patient asks you what you are administering. Would you tell the patient about the medication?

Leadership in Nursing Read More »

Create a power point presentation following the given instructions.

Create a power point presentation following the given instructions.

Identify a computer system you have recently had experience with and prepare and attach a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) describing a potential computer security problem related to that system. The target audience is a manager who you are trying to convince to initiate a project to investigate the potential security issues.


  • Begin with a description of the organization and the computer system you have chosen.
  • Where necessary, you may make assumptions about any specifics–please note these as such in your presentation notes.
  • Draw from the assigned readings (and independent research) to identify what topics should be included.
  • If you feel that slide information is not self-explanatory, add additional details in the presentation notes.

Create a power point presentation following the given instructions. Read More »

Is the U.S. Healthcare System Sick?

Is the U.S. Healthcare System Sick?

In 750-1,000 words, do the following:

  1. Compare how much the United States and Europe spend on healthcare every year. Does the U.S. spend comparatively more or less than other developed countries?
  2. Explain what metrics are used to measure health. Where does the United States fall, according to those metrics?
  3. Describe the rationale for the role of government in health care. To what extent is poverty a salient factor, in terms of government intervention? Explain.
  4. Describe how health care might be reformed to address high costs and limited coverage.
  5. Discuss the prospective advantages and disadvantages of a single-payer system, like that of Canada.

Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Is the U.S. Healthcare System Sick? Read More »

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