Please answer each question individually with at least one citation per questions.
1. According to the 2014 ACA code of ethics “Counselors respect the diversity of clients, trainees, and research participants and seek training in areas in which they are at risk of imposing their values onto clients, especially when the counselor’s values are inconsistent with the client’s goals or are discriminatory in nature.” Review Butman and Yarhouse’s article “Psychopathology Through the Eyes of Faith: Integrative Reflections for the Classroom and Beyond” and briefly describe their approach to teaching psychopathology. Identify two or three elements you find interesting about their method of teachingpsychopathology and explain why they are important to you.
2. Oftentimes, the presentation of mental illness is regarded as scary or threatening. How is this concept perpetuated in the media and other social outlets? Discuss and provide at least two examples of how this is occurring in society today.
3. The DSM is organized by combining disorders of the same category. What are the symptomatic similarities that necessitate the clustering of these disorders? Select one class of disorders (depressive, anxiety, dissociative, etc.) and discuss.
4. As a diagnostic tool, the DSM includes diagnostic criteria for mental disorders. In addition, it includes information such as prevalence, risks, prognoses, gender-related issues, and cultural considerations for these disorders. What role might this information play in diagnosis and treatment?
5. Childhood disorders often gain popularity during a specific time, such as Autism and ADHD. Select a commonly diagnosed childhood disorder and discuss. Why is it currently in vogue? Be sure to include in your discussion thoughts about medication trends, media attention, etc.
This week we studied a variety of entry modes, but I’d like you to post your response to the following statements and respond to a class colleague.
Countertrade includes a range of barterlike agreements and may be considered a form of payment. Please identify a country of the world where a countertrade agreement may exist and explain why. Be quick though… you may not use a country that another classmate has used in their posting!
This week we analyzed and evaluated an array of topics in the area of production and logistics for the international firm. We identified and discussed countertrade, export financing, and reviewed some of the documents used to facilitate those processes.
An external link allowed you to review some of the most common documents used in export financing. Now, think about this question and post your response.
Receipt for services by the firm providing carriage (e.g. steamship line, airline)
Establishes a document of title (document of title in this instance is defined as the temporary ownership of the goods needed to allow entry into the country that the goods will be sold in)
Differentiate between two to three (2-3) key components of a free market healthcare system and single payer government system. Of the two systems, suggest the one that you believe would be better for the United States. Specify two (2) examples that support your rationale.
Week 1 eActivity
Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research and review the Affordable Health Care Act. Be prepared to discuss.
Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research and review the branches of government within your state to evaluate each branches level of influence in healthcare decisions for the state. Be prepared to discuss.
The Veteran’s Health Administration (VA) has been instrumental in many new healthcare innovations over the last twenty-five years. Use the Internet to research the VA’s Website, located at, as well as other related Websites to determine the VA’s influence on your local hospitals. Be prepared to discuss.
Just the link to help you answer the discussion 1 and 2
Read a discussion post below, and critique their selection by confirming what points they chose to select their topic and three things they may include to further defend their choice.
200 words
Discussion Post:
Leveraging emerging technologies is significant in career of accountants. The emerging reality is that accountants have to know about technologies — ones they use along with planning for ones they are about to use. Because:
2.There is no denying the risk of using new technologies, but there are also many opportunities.
3.Cloud-based accounting and Software as a Service will still a big part of the changing dynamics for the accounting profession. Adoption of cloud-based solutions in the finance function continues to rise, according to surveys conducted for the 2017 Benchmarking the Accounting and Financial Function report. (Kevin Keystone) Most people don’t concerned about moving sensitive financial or customer data to the cloud. They also report finding cost savings, simplified information sharing and better team collaboration using the cloud.
4. Usage of blockchain technology is increasing, it brings more opportunity. It’s all about greater efficiency, visibility and lowering compliance costs without intermediaries.(Jon Baron)
5.Convergence of big data and artificial intelligence is a tendency. More and more futurists are talking about how the next evolution of big data will involve automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence.