Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Create an annotated bibliography of four sources for your research project.

Create an annotated bibliography of four sources for your research project.

Length: Four citations, each with an annotation of approximately 150 words Four sources related to your research question, including at least two from scholarly journal articles. All four sources should be high-quality sources that you can use in your research project. Sources will be given, but you can add more.

  • Identify valid and reliable sources that can be used in the composition of a research essay (Course outcome 4)
  • Explain the nature of selected sources and their relevance of sources to the research essay (Course outcome 4)
  • Set up an annotated bibliography in APA format (Course outcome 4)
  • Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3) Incorporate these elements of APA style:
  • Use one-inch margins.
  • Double space.
  • Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
  • Reference entries should be formatted with a hanging indent.
  • the instructor likes semicolons.

Attached are all of the articles you need and a working reference.

Create an annotated bibliography of four sources for your research project. Read More »

read two articles and answer follow questions.

read two articles and answer follow questions.



Based on your own experience with the brand as well as information in the article, what do you think are the man problems facing J. Crew today?

The Death of Clothing article talks about factors that negatively affect the entire industry. What are the different trends and which retailers do you think are better adapted to these changes?

read two articles and answer follow questions. Read More »



Competitive advantage is what sets an organization apart. A competitive edge is a necessary ingredient for an organization’s long-term success and survival. Unique resources provide a company with a sustainable competitive advantage. The four characteristics of unique resources are value, rarity, ability to duplicate, and ability to exploit. Resources that have all four of those characteristics can be used to form sustainable competitive advantages.

1) Does it add value | 2) is it rare | 3) Can firm exploit it? | 4) is it hard to duplicate and substitute?

Construct a 2-3 page paper, based on the four characteristics of a product with potential for sustainable competitive advantage and based on the research you conducted; identify and discuss a company that does an effective job of utilizing these resources in the competitive marketplace. Also describe the product in relation to the four characteristics of sustainable competitive advantages.

Competitive Read More »

Gov 2305 Chapter 13

Gov 2305 Chapter 13

******TOTAL OF 5 PROFILED!!!!****

Our Federal Bureaucracy is incredibly complicated with its hodge-podge creation, overlapping jurisdiction and multiple bosses.Below is a link that provides a pretty inclusive list of Federal Executive Branch entities (Departments, agencies, bureaus, boards, commissions, quasi-official agencies, etc – see Chapter 13 for more details on these different parts of the Executive Branch) that we will explore for this chapter assignment.…

From the lists provided, choose three government entities that you have never heard of and profile them.

Choose from: Executive Departments, Independent Agencies and Government Corporations, Boards, commissions, committees, or Quasi Official Agency links NOT FROM Executive Office of the President.

Profile Information:

1)Name of Government Entity:

2)Type of Government Entity: (Department, Board, Commission, Government Corporation, etc)

3)Website of Government Entity:

4)Brief History:Year created? In response to?Just give me a couple of historical facts.NOT EVERYTHING and DO NOT CUT AND PASTE

5)Brief description of purpose/what they do: DO NOT CUT AND PASTE

6)Size, budget (and location if applicable) of entity: How many people work there and what is their annual budget?You should be able to find this on the website somewhere.Location = what larger entity is it a part of?Example, the FBI is part of the Department of Justice.This is not applicable to all entities.

7)Your thoughts on the entity: Is it useful or useless? Why?


While this is a pretty inclusive list, it’s not a perfect list.For example:The Bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is also listed as Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau. And some people are listed, as well as the entity that they work for like Director of National Security.Be mindful of this when selecting what you profile.

DO NOT choose more than one Department.In fact, most of you should have heard of the 15 major departments, so you may not include any.

Format: You can list the information as stated above- sort of outline style.

Citations: Please cite your sources – include any and all website you used to find this information, in addition to your textbook.

EXTRA CREDIT: Up to 1pt.Profile 2 more (.5 pts a piece).

Gov 2305 Chapter 13 Read More »

United Airline Case Study “Man Dragged”

United Airline Case Study “Man Dragged”

Hello there,

Please read the case ” it is one page” that explain what happened for a man who dragged off plain by United Airline last year.

What I need is that in one page or less.

1- in your opinion, how could United Airlines correct this situation and manage their company reputation in order to gain their customers’ trust again?

2- please write three to five points of solutions without cost on the company, and must be from your opinion.

3- please provide three resources that helped you find these solutions. It could be from news, articles, blogs, whatever.

please see the attached

Thank you

United Airline Case Study “Man Dragged” Read More »

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