Companies that have gained market advantages due to Covid19
Global pandemics have been known to have adverse repercussions on businesses. For instance, the worldwide covid-19 epidemic has caused many small businesses to close their doors due to the high losses incurred. However, some companies continue to flourish during such difficult economic times. One of the critical elements that make businesses benefit more from catastrophic events is the gained economies of scale. An example of companies that have gained market advantages due to the corona pandemic is the Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. and the UnitedHealth Group.
Recognized as an international e-commerce giant, the Chinese based franchise, Alibaba Group registered a more than double its profit in its first-quarter fiscal report. This number is expected to increase due to the covid-19 pandemic that has left cities and towns on lockdown state. With no access to physical shopping sites, people are left with no other alternative than to shop online. Over the past months, online traffic has upsurged, leading to a growing demand for online services such as the one extended by the Alibaba Group. The economies of scale facilitating Alibaba’s success is it’s the company’s networking advantage (Mourdoukoutas, n.p.). Alibaba offers a platform for buyers and sellers to interact.
Owing to the fact that the UnitedHealth Group is a renowned healthcare facility, this organization is one of the few that has recorded significant profits during the global covid-19 pandemic. This facility continues to offer the best medical services as people seek better healthcare during the epidemic. Due to the growing demand for medical attention, this organization has partnered with the local healthcare facilities to extend affordable services to members of the public (UnitedHealth Group, n.p.). The leading economies of scale that have made the UnitedHealth Group gain its market advantage it’s the additional investments the company has infused within its system to support those affected by the covid-19 pandemic.
Borderline Personality Disorder is a condition that affects mood instability and makes it difficult for people to form relationships. According to Brüne (2016), unstable relationships, fear of being abandoned, inability to regulate emotions, feelings of depression, and high-risk behaviors are some of the characteristics of the condition. According to APA (2013), people with the disorder have increased chances of committing suicide. Brüne (2016) says that people suffering from the condition have paranoid ideas, and they always have self-injurious behavior. There are several intervention measures that are being used to manage borderline personality disorder. These intervention measures are generalized to all populations, but they can be adapted to work in specific circumstances such as in sexual minorities.
Causes of the disorder
Several factors predispose a person to borderline personality disorder. Genetics is one factor that can contribute a person to suffering from the condition. According to NHS (2019), genes a person inherits from their parents can make them vulnerable to the disorder. Researchers claim that if an identical twin has the disease. The chances are high that the order twin has the condition. However, there is no reliable research that ties genes to borderline personality disorder. Another factor that is likely to cause the disease is brain chemicals. NHS (2019) reports that people suffering from the disorder are believed to be having something wrong with their neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin. When the amount of serotonin produced is altered, it leads to depression and aggression.
Another factor that is likely to cause the disease is brain chemicals. NHS (2019) reports that people suffering from the disorder are believed to be having something wrong with their neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin. When the amount of serotonin produced is altered, it leads to depression and aggression. Another factor that causes borderline personality disorder is problems with brain development. NHS (2019) reports that brain scans of people with the disease reveal that they have a small amygdala, hippocampus, and orbitofrontal cortex. The development of these parts of the brain is affected by the early upbringing of a child. These sections of the brain are for regulating moods, and therefore underdevelopment of these parts of the brain leads to the inability of an individual to control their tempers. Environmental factors are also responsible for causing the disorder. Some of these environmental factors are molestations as a child, neglect by parents, and growing up in a dysfunctional family. Unresolved childhood issues such as anger and fear lead a child to grow with distress and, therefore, a distorted thinking pattern that makes them vulnerable to the disorder.
Treatment approaches to borderline personality disorder
This is one of the conventional methods for treating the disorder. Its application leads to a reduction of the symptoms that a person with the condition exhibits over time. According to Biskin & Paris (2012), several types of psychotherapy exist that are for managing the disorder. Some of the popular psychotherapies used to manage the condition are dialectical behavior and mentalization-based treatment.
Dialectical behavior therapy
According to Biskins & Paris (2012), this psychotherapy was the first to be found useful in managing borderline personality disorder. This treatment combines Eastern philosophy with behavioral therapies in treating a patient. This therapy is divided into individual and group sessions. In these sessions, the participants are taught skills in mindfulness, regulation of emotions, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance. Dialectical behavior therapy is made to last for a year. The patient can consult with the psychotherapist over the phone. May, Richardi & Barth (2016) claim that this intervention mechanism was developed by Marsha Linehan in the 1990s, and it was for treating women from a borderline personality disorder. The term “dialectical” in the intervention mechanism refers to the use of “acceptance and change necessities for improvement.” This psychotherapy method treats maladaptive behaviors by replacing them with good behaviors. May, Richard & Barth (2016) affirm that the method is effective in treating conditions like mood disorders, posttraumatic stress disorders, and eating disorders.
How the intervention is used
As indicated earlier, dialectical behavior therapy involves two sessions, one of which is the individual session. During this session, an individual meets with the certified therapist on a one-on-one basis. The therapist ensures the training achieves its therapeutic objectives. The role of the therapist in these individual sessions is to motivate the patient in applying the skills taught to contain the disorder. In group therapy, the members offer each other mutual support through sharing of experiences and encouraging one another. In the group-based sessions, there are also trained therapists who lead the process. Psychology Today (n.d) reports that the training sessions last for two hours, and the group usually meets for about six weeks. In these sessions, members are given questions that test what they have learned from the sessions.
Mentalization-based treatment
Mentalization is the ability of an individual to recognize their mental states. It involves knowing your mental state and the ability to think of the impact of your actions on other people. Mentalization-base therapy focuses on enabling a person to recognize their thoughts and think about the outcome of their behavior. In developing this therapy, Bateman and Fonagy believed that people with the condition are unable to acknowledge their mental states because of problems they encountered as children, which affected the growth of their mentalization. In using this therapy, the focus of the therapist is in the present mental state of the patient and not the past. The therapist works towards enabling the patient to recognize their mental states and emotions. While administering this therapy, the therapist does not give advice and opinion on how the patient should behave. Instead, the therapist helps the patient explore their mental states and how to mentalize. Salters-Pedneault (2019) reports that research supports the use of therapy in managing borderline personality disorder. A randomized controlled study conducted by researchers showed that patients suffering from the disease who were exposed to the mentalization-based therapy reported a reduction in self-harm, depression, and anxiety.
According to Morken, Binder, Arefjord, & Karterud (2019), a study conducted regarding the application of mentalization-based therapy in people with borderline personality disorder reveals that it increases mentalization in patients. Morken, Binder, Arefjord, & Karterud (2019) say that the therapy, just like dialectical behavior therapy, consists of two sessions, namely individual and group therapies. There are specific aspects of mentalizing that the therapy focuses on. According to Morken, Binder, Arefjord & Karterud (2019), there are several domains of mentalization-based therapy which can be used by the therapist. They are mentalization process, relational mentalization, effective mentalizing narrative, and non-mentalizing modes. The mentalization process is concerned with the mentalizing process. Relational mentalization involves focusing on the relationship between the therapist and the patient. The mentalizing effective narrative requires that therapists focus on narratives and should be concerned with the effect while non-mentalizing modes are applicable when the patient is not in mentalizing mode.
According to Salters-Pedneault (2019), drugs used to manage anxiety and depression have been found to reduce the symptoms of borderline personality disorders. Currently, there are no specific medications for treating borderline personality disorder. The drugs that are presently being used are those that reduce the symptoms of the disease, but they don’t lead to complete healing from the condition. Among some of the medications that are used are those for managing psychological conditions that usually occur with the condition like major depressive disorder. Independently, medications may not be effective in controlling the disorder, and so they are used with other intervention mechanisms such as psychotherapy.
Types of medications used
Initially, antidepressants were designed for people suffering from a major depressive disorder. Salters-Pedneault (2019) claims that it was also for managing other mental conditions characterized by low mood. The antidepressants that have been approved for use in managing borderline personality disorder are monoamine oxidase inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants. Salters-Pedneault (2019) reports that studies indicate that antidepressants are effective in managing sadness, anxiety, and low moods. Some of the commonly used antidepressants are Nardil, Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, and Wellbutrin.
Early psychiatrists discovered that the symptoms of the condition were in the border of psychosis and neurosis. This is why they named the disease “borderline” to imply in the border between the two conditions. Early medications for the disease were antipsychotics. Later, it was found that the antipsychotics were effective in treating other disorders that were no-psychotics. Salters-Pedneault (2019) claims that antipsychotics reduce anxiety, anger, impulsiveness, and paranoid thinking. Some commonly used antipsychotics are Haldol, Zyprexa, Clozaril, Seroquel, and Risperdal.
Mood stabilizers
These medications are used to stabilize the moods of individuals. One of the characteristics of borderline personality behavior is the presence of mood swings. Some of the drugs that are used in this category are Lithobid, Depakote, Lamictal, and Tegretol.
Usually, people with the disorder experience anxiety. Anxiolytics are drugs that the patients suffering from the condition are given to manage the disease. Salters-Pedneault (2019) says that little research has been done to ascertain whether the drugs are efficient in treating the condition. There also some anxiety drugs that, when used, can worsen the condition of the patient. This, therefore, requires that proper consultations are done before prescribing the drugs. According to Salters-Pedneault (2019), Benzodiazepines are particularly dangerous when individuals who abuse drugs use it since it is addictive. The anxiolytics commonly used to combat the disorder are Ativan, Klonopin, Xanax, Valium, and Buspar.
The application of the treatment methods in treating marginalized people
Rivera-Segarra et al. (2014) claim that stigmatization has been a hindrance for people with mental conditions from seeking care. Among the marginalized populations are sexual minorities such as bisexuals, gays, and lesbians. Plöderl et al. (2017) allege that sexual minorities experience barriers when seeking treatment for mental illnesses since there is a lack of specific treatment for sexual minorities. Plöderl et al. (2017) further claim that sexual minorities are at risk since they have more stressing factors compared to the rest of the population. Apart from the usual stressors that other people have, other stressing factors for them are fear of being discriminated against and internalized homophobia associated with hiding one’s sexual orientation. Medications operate in the same manner for all people irrespective of their sexual orientations, and therefore there are no different medicines for managing BPD in sexual minorities.
For sexual minorities, invalidation is the biggest issue that affects them. The dialectical behavioral therapy, which, initially, was developed for treating people with suicidal tendencies, has been adapted for the treatment of people across different settings. According to Skerven, Whicker & LeMaire (2019), the majority of the people being diagnosed with BPD identify as gays, lesbians, or bisexuals. Skerven, Whicker & LeMaire (2019) reiterate the findings of Bradford Reich & Zanarini (2008) that sexual minorities accounted for 75% of patients diagnosed with BPD. Research also affirms that sexual minorities are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and self-harm compared to other people (Whicker & Le Maries, 2019). Dialectical behavioral therapy is being used by therapists to reduce stressor and help the patients regain their self-respect so that they can cope with stress. DBT is the best intervention currently available for sexual minorities since other interventions are aimed at reducing the stressors instead of teaching the patient how to cope with the stress. Skerven, Whicker & LeMaire (2019) allude that DBT addresses the environmental stressors and self-esteem, and therefore it is an effective intervention for the Lesbians Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) community. Dialectical behavioral therapy is made of four significant components, namely emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, core mindfulness, and distress tolerance. The four modules of DBT are meant for enabling the client to rein on their emotions. Through individual and group therapies, a therapist guides the client into coping with all kinds of stigma and how they can accept their identity.
A borderline personality disorder is a mental condition that makes a patient have suicidal thoughts, and this can lead to unstable relationships. This condition is characterized by mood swings, whereby the moods of an individual keep changing. Several factors exist which predispose a person to the disorder. They are environmental, brain chemicals, and genetics. Environmental factors are those concerned with the upbringing of an individual. If a person is brought up in a dysfunctional home where abuses are the norm, chances are high that they will develop the disorder when they are grown up. On brain chemicals, lack of proper development of the brain leads to an imbalance in chemicals in the brain. This leads to the inability of an individual to effectively balance emotions. Genetics, even though not yet proven, scientifically is believed to lead to the condition. There are several interventions for treating borderline personality disorder. There are therapies, such as dialectical behavioral and mentalization-based therapies. Medications such as antidepressants are also used to manage the condition. These interventions are used to treat BPD across many settings. Among the minorities that the interventions are used in are sexual minorities. There are generally no specific intervention measures for treating sexual minorities suffering from BPD. The existing mechanisms, such as dialectical behavioral therapy, have been adapted to fit their situation. On medicines, there are no unique medicines for managing BPD for sexual minorities since drugs work in the same manner irrespective of individuals’ sexual orientation.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Pub.
Biskin, R., & Paris, J. (2012). Management of borderline personality disorder. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 184(17), 1897-1902. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.112055
Borderline personality disorder – Causes. (2019). Retrieved 13 November 2019, from
Brüne, M. (2016). Borderline Personality Disorder. Evolution, Medicine, And Public Health, 2016(1), 52-66. doi: 10.1093/emph/eow002
Dialectical Behavior Therapy | Psychology Today. (2019). Retrieved 13 November 2019, from
May, J., Richardi, T., & Barth, K. (2016). Dialectical behavior therapy as a treatment for borderline personality disorder. Mental Health Clinician, 6(2), 62-67. doi: 10.9740/mhc.2016.03.62
Morken, K., Binder, P., Arefjord, N., & Karterud, S. (2019). Mentalization-Based Treatment From the Patients’ Perspective – What Ingredients Do They Emphasize?. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01327
Plöderl, M., Kunrath, S., Cramer, R., Wang, J., Hauer, L., & Fartacek, C. (2017). Sexual orientation differences in treatment expectation, alliance, and outcome among patients at risk for suicide in a public psychiatric hospital. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1). doi: 10.1186/s12888-017-1337-8
Rivera-Segarra, E., Rivera, G., López-Soto, R., Crespo-Ramos, G., & Marqués-Reyes, D. (2014). Stigmatization Experiences among People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Puerto Rico. The Qualitative Report, 19(15), 1-18. Retrieved from
Salters-Pedneault, K. (2019). Borderline Personality Disorder Medications Can Treat Symptoms. Retrieved 13 November 2019, from
Salters-Pedneault, K. (2019). Mentalization-Based Therapy May Help Borderline Personality Disorder. Retrieved 13 November 2019, from
Salters-Pedneault, K. (2019). Mentalization-Based Therapy May Help Borderline Personality Disorder. Retrieved 13 November 2019, from
Skerven, K., Whicker, D., & LeMaire, K. (2019). Applying dialectical behavior therapy to structural and internalized stigma with LGBTQ+ clients. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12. doi: 10.1017/s1754470x18000235
The US employment law is highly focused on addressing all forms of discrimination by the employer. Discrimination of persons with disabilities is one of the most critical areas of concern in the US discrimination laws. The law is grounded on humanization of the persons with disabilities which involve designing the policies to reflect and expand their human potentials (Mackelprang, Salsgiver, & Salsgiver, 2016). The employment law is the aftermath of other national agendas that include quality education and specialized training programs (Francis, & Silvers, 2015). The Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) provide the guidelines needed to fulfill the agendas by the employers in all the sectors. The law focuses on ensuring that persons with disabilities are given equal opportunities to recruitment for a job if they have the skills needed to complete the task. The law calls for extra responsibility to the employers to include comfortable working conditions for them. The recruitment process, for instance, requires that the interview need to respond to the skills and abilities without reflecting on the disability (Barnes, 2014). The law also gives the employer an initiative to develop policies and workplace etiquette that recognizes and empower the disabled persons. This calls not for treating them as weak personnel’s in the company who require special environments but rather people with special abilities that can only be fulfilled through a highly specialized system. The Americans with Disabilities (Act) is a significant law that was championed by Senator Thomas Richard Harkins and signed into law by President Bush in 1990. The law has undergone other several amendments to enhance its effectiveness in the improvement of the well-being of persons with disabilities in the labor market (Heyer, 2017). This amendment includes the ADAAA (2008) that helped to clarify the law definition of disabilities distinguishing disabilities from impairments. The law is a set of rules and regulations that govern the response to persons with disabilities in various facilities, both private and public.
This paper will reflect on the American with Disabilities Act and how this law regulates the relationship between employer and employees with disabilities in the contract period. Although the law has not accomplished all the objectives, it’s a primary management tool for use by the employers. The law also edifies the employees with disabilities of their rights. This law has implications to both the employer and the employee. The paper will first focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act reflecting on its guidelines, achievements, and limitations in reducing discrimination of employees with disabilities by the employers. After this, the paper will present the employment policies and etiquette that arise for managers and other employees following the objectives of the humanization of persons with disabilities (Rothman, 2018). This will be the shortest section of the paper. The third element of the discussion is the employer’s role, or the reasonable accommodation’s that the employer is required to fulfill in compliance with the law. The fourth element is the empowerment of the employees with disability through training to maximize their utility to the employer throughout the contract period.
Like the other employees without disabilities, they have a responsibility to fulfill all the tasks as would be required by the employer. The next elements are the aspects of the law that offer a guarantee to the limitations of the employees’ demands. The last portion of the paper is on the position of the American efforts for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the global context. These include the assessment of the personal impact of the law on the American citizens compared to other citizens. The American with Disability Act is the primary employment law that governs the employer-employee relationship in the private and public sector and hence its objectives highlight the legal guidelines that govern terms of the contract for employees with disabilities and the eligibility of those contracts.
The Americans with Disability Act (ADA or ADAAA)
This is the most significant legal framework defined for the rights of the persons with disabilities for fair and equitable treatment by employers in the recruitment and contractual periods. The law defines clearly that persons with disability have equal employment rights provided they are competent to perform the tasks assigned. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission got the initial mandate to implement employment discrimination provisions, Title I of the Act. In other words, the law is more focused on the empowerment of persons with disability and as such the employers are the primary target of the law. The EEOC has defined regulations for the employers as a guideline to the implementation of the requiring compliance for all employers. The law provides for equal opportunities to persons with disabilities. In other words, employers are prohibited from discrimination of persons with disabilities during the recruitment process. This means that interview questions and requirements should be fair such that the persons with disabilities will stand an equal chance like other candidates. For instance, employees need not to ask the candidate how they would overcome their situation to perform any task. This guideline is also useful to the employers as they are not subjected to compulsory recruitment of persons with disabilities when other candidate standouts better chances. The role is to demonstrate that the candidate was only ruled out on factors other than those affiliated to disability.
The ADA provides for the employer not to recruit persons with disabilities if such recruitment would impose an undue hardship to the operations of the business. The undue hardship is considered as imposing excessive costs to an employer or would demand the employer to change the operations. In other words, the hiring of persons with disabilities need not change the roles and responsibilities of a given position (Riccucci, 2018). For example, hiring a disabled employee as a machine operator requires that the recruitment mandate the employer to make provisions to the employee to perform their tasks, but the hiring should not lead to the abandonment of the said task. ADA clarifies on the differences between impairments and disabilities defining the positions for ADA impairments. This was best achieved during the 2008 amendment. To the employer’s disability is considered as the inability to perform tasks in what would be considered normal for human beings. For example, blindness is regarded as a disability and as such the employee would only fulfill their obligations through the use of particular structures. The court dismisses a case against an employer if the persons filing the suit fail to meet the ADA disability description. Another consideration will be that an employee would not demand special treatment by being left handed or if they have certain personality traits like quick temper. The ADA law requires that a condition would be considered in its unmitigated state. In other words for a person with an impairment if mitigation action has been taken to overcome the challenge such an employee would still qualify for ADA disability provision. For example, a person with hearing impairments and who uses hearing aids and it enhances them to hear like the general population is considered to qualify for the ADA disability. This means that the hearing aids do not overwrite the hearing impairment. This provision is a new circumstance and as such employers would be advised to seek counsel before dismissal for ADA applicants since the mitigated impairments previously unconsidered for protection would otherwise qualify for protection.
The ADA law gives guidelines on the need to uphold a high level of confidence in the employee and need to be initiated through the same process. For instance, a new employee is to be offered training in equal measures to disabled employees like employees without disabilities without a call for other employees to show special to the persons. This means an employee needs not to feel humiliated before others based on their condition. The employer needs to be updated on the most recent requirements of the law to ensure plans are based on the existing provisions of the law.
The implementation of the guidelines by the ADA calls for employers to incur more costs in the hiring and management of employees. The law calls for the employers for change in the attitude focusing on the need to empower the employees with special abilities. An employer needs to hold the primary role to demonstrate that humanization of persons with disabilities is parts of its core agendas. The employer’s policies and regulations are called upon to challenge the limitation of ADA law. The employer has a responsibility to support the employee to exploit their abilities and to enhance the achievement of the company objectives. Even after the establishment of the law, the persons with disabilities have not experienced increased access to employment opportunities as the law intended it. This means that most of the other aspects of the law that would govern the contractual relationship between the disabled employee and the employer have less impact within the job market. The government has increased its policies focusing on bridging the gap between the employment of persons with disabilities with the rest of the population (Blanck, 2016). The employer is required to be updated of such policies since they are of legal significance. The systems require an employer to give considerations as part of its commitment to enhancing economic empowerment for persons with disabilities.
An employer is advised to have own policies and guidelines for compliance with ADA which are guided by the EEOC rules and regulations. This would mean that in a lawsuit regarding discrimination for persons with disabilities a court judge is mandated to make a judgment based on the company own policy in addressing discrimination against persons with disabilities. The company policies must not contradict the requirements of ADA or the policies by EEOC. This means that the law calls for the organization to take reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. The effort needs to be continuous such that an employee is not forced to abandon their current job based on negligence by the employer to make special provisions.
Employers Role/Reasonable Accommodation
This governs the contractual relationship between the employer and the employees with disabilities. A qualified person with disabilities is to be considered as a person who with or without special accommodations can perform their roles in the organization. In this case, the task will be performed without a need to change the business itself. In other words, the employer has a role in making all provisions that would enhance persons with disabilities to perform their roles like other employees. In the review of the performance of an employee the entities that facilitate, this effectiveness need to be put in place. For example, a telephone operator who requires an amplified headset to give equal results is entitled to those provisions before judgments based on poor performance. The employer needs to accommodate a dialogue with the employees to ensure that the correct accommodations are given. For instance, an employee with low vision could request the employer to accommodate large font options in their printed documents. If such documents include Memos, the employer may seek to offer to accommodate the employee through use of soft copies specific for them. Both the employer and the employee need to come into an agreement on the best approach to ensure it’s the most convenient decisions. This consideration would be most effective especially if there are no specifications by ADA or the EEOC on what accommodations to make for the given impairment.
The employer also needs to follow the five guidelines in the recruitment process to ensure that the employee would demand only reasonable accommodations. The first step is to consider only the essential tasks in the evaluation of whether the person can perform the job. This is important because potential candidates have several limitations for multiple tasks and would most likely be ruled out. Also if accommodations would be considered after hiring, they must also be related to fulfillment of the essential functions (Kaminer, 2016). The second factor is to find all the accommodations which are necessary to the tasks assigned. In other words, once the employer has assigned a contract with the disabled employee, there would be a need for commitment to fulfill all the accommodations that enhance fulfillment of the essential tasks. The other requirement for the employer is to ensure that employees with disabilities are treated equally to persons without disabilities. Also, the employer can fulfill this obligation by providing that they have the highest qualified personnel in their workforce and the accommodations are not extended to disability non-related interventions. For example, training the employees need to be within the scope of standard employee training or for the use of special facilities that would help improve performance.
The scope of the accommodation given to persons with disability is to allow the employee to fulfill their obligations without overreliance on job coaches or other persons. The employer needs to commit to updating the accommodations without an assumption that any of the accommodations would be impossible. This would include integration with other employers to increase the scope of the interventions. The employer also needs to utilize sites like the Job Accommodation Network that provide a wide range of ideas on accommodation of persons with disabilities. The employer also needs to evaluate the effectiveness of the accommodation issued such as to ensure improved performance by the employees. Some of the accommodations are not related directly to the tasks but empower the employee to exploit their potential and to develop their career. Issuance of accommodation is to be extended to the recruits or persons with disabilities arising at the course of their career.
Training Employee’s with Disabilities to Maximize Utility During Contract Period
After hiring and providing accommodation, ADA requires that the employer considers employees who lack proper skills to use some of the facilities. This is most common to persons receiving impairments later after recruitment. For instance, an employee who becomes deaf at the course of fulfillment of their duties may require some basic training for communications like the use of sign language. The employer needs to provide or facilitate such treatment without dismissal of an employee that they cannot fulfill their obligations. Others may include mobility training, and the employer must ensure that the employee is not in grave danger at the course of fulfillment of their responsibilities (Padkapayeva et al., 2017). The facilities and the accommodations would be useless if the employees cannot entirely understand them. In this case, there is a need to see that the employees have more than one tool for training to fulfill a given responsibility effectively. Also, the training mechanisms need to incorporate facilities not available in the organization but can be utilized in other public facilities. There are thus minimal limitations as to the scope of the interventions that would be useful to the employees. An employee with a disability is to stand an equal chance to perform their responsibilities efficiently like other colleagues.
Guarantee Offered to The Employer to Safeguard Effective Contracts
ADA gives a guideline as to what would be termed as a reasonable accommodation to be issued by the employer to the employee. The law protects employers over what would otherwise be termed as unreasonable accommodations. There is a clear guideline on the ADA impairment that qualifies for an accommodation. The accommodation need to help employees perform their role in the organization. The law is limited to the benefits and privileges of employment. In other words, the employee is not guaranteed to make additional accommodations which are not directly related to the job. An employee may not demand accommodations that involve they are not entitled to perform in the organization. The employee who files a suit must be deemed to have the ADA impairment. Lawsuits filed by employees fail to meet the minimum requirements for ADA impairments will be dismissed. Although the law is defined to protect the employee over discrimination by the employer, it has the framework within which accommodation would be issued. Also, an employee cannot claim for discrimination on promotions for roles that they are not qualified to perform. In other words, the law does not call for blanket laws that override the needs for an employer to acquire the most qualified personnel to work in the organization.
American Disability Act Effectiveness
The economic well-being of persons with disabilities remains low. Employers consider the ADA guideline as an increase in the cost of hiring. This means that the primary objectives of the law have not been achieved. The numbers of persons with a disability who are hired for any position are relatively lower compared to the persons without disabilities. In other words, the employment of persons with disabilities remains significantly lower compared to the other population. One of the reasons could be that like other employment law there is no provision for sufficient change of attitude on disabled persons as weak in the organization. The law is operational, and the employer must meet all the necessary requirements in their relationship with the employer. Like other laws for discrimination, the impact of the law is well understood when an individual company is a victim of any allegation. One of the areas that the disabled employees would need to be most informed is on the recruitment process. There are many shortcomings reflected by the continuous decline in the employment of persons with disabilities.
This research addresses the employment law on discrimination to persons with disabilities in the United States. The scope of the research is on the employees working in the private sector. The primary law that governs discriminations to persons with disabilities is ADA which advocates for humanization of persons with disabilities. The law gives a guideline to the employer for fair recruitment and management of employees. The objective is to treat employees with disabilities like all the other person providing the necessary accommodation to fulfill the assigned tasks. The law defines the ADA impairments to restrict focus only to fundamental impairments and for reasonable accommodation only (Sundar, 2017). This guarantees employers rights over unreasonable claims. The hiring of persons with disabilities is to be guided to ensure that the company is not exposed to undue risks. In other words, hiring a person with a disability is not to squeeze the organization to change its primary operations to accommodate the limitations of the employee. The discussion also outlines the provision of reasonable accommodation as a critical responsibility for the employer.
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Blanck, P. (2016). The first “A” in the ADA: and 25 more “A” s toward equality for Americans with disabilities. Inclusion, 4(1), 46-51.
Francis, L., & Silvers, A. (Eds.). (2015). Americans with disabilities. Routledge.
Kaminer, D. N. (2016). Mentally ill employees in the workplace: Does the ADA amendments act provide adequate protection. Health Matrix, 26, 205.
Mackelprang, R. W., Salsgiver, R. O., & Salsgiver, R. (2016). Disability: A diversity model approach in human service practice. Oxford University Press
Padkapayeva, K., Posen, A., Yazdani, A., Buettgen, A., Mahood, Q., & Tompa, E. (2017). Workplace accommodations for persons with physical disabilities: evidence synthesis of the peer-reviewed literature. Disability and rehabilitation, 39(21), 2134-2147.
Riccucci, N. (2018). Managing Diversity In Public Sector Workforces: Essentials Of Public Policy And Administration Series. Routledge.
Rothman, J. (2018). Social work practice across disability. Routledge.
Sundar, V. (2017). Operationalizing workplace accommodations for individuals with disabilities: A scoping review. Work, 56(1), 135-155.
All around the world, more education equates to more opportunities. A lot of knowledge means that an individual can handle more responsibilities. However, is this always the case?
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Albert Einstein
Einstein was quite skeptical about our current education system. He, most of the times classified it as a waste of time as the only right learning process to him focused on the experience process.
In our current world, especially economy-wise, education levels and economic levels simultaneously follow one another. The levels of education in the First worlds as compared to those in the Under-developed world portray that the education system plays a significant role in contributing to the economy.
Education is important. As a matter of fact, its importance might not just vanish from existence in the world today. However, experience and real-life situations seem to carry more massive significance in the current times.
Who clearly remembers the first day of college?
A lecturer walked into my first lecture hall and proudly said, “Congratulations! All of you have made the right decision to join college. You will not regret
South African students hold placard, gesture and chant slogans while they take part in a protest march towards the Union Buildings during a demonstration to call for free higher education on October 20, 2016 in Pretoria.
this decision. College will shape and nurture you while equipping you to meet the real world!” We clapped and gave a standing ovation to the lecturer: only to later find out that the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates dropped out of college!
Education is quite important. If one considers the literate and numeric perspective presented by school, then its importance cannot be undervalued. It is vital that such traits surrounding education remain relevant. Training teaches more on civilization and the existence of different people in one spherical atmosphere.
However, aspects like geometry confuse the essence of education. Geometry is an important subject, even in higher levels of education. However, how is it applicable in the real world? Or solving problems like hunger or a depression? Languages learned in the education system like French are only relevant in France. What if the person never gets to go to France?
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein
Imagine going through an education system for over ten years as preparation for the world only to realize that at the very end, everyone begins at zero when venturing to the real-world. The experience that the education system so claims to possess is unachievable any other way than gaining experience itself.
Education is not a waste of time and money at all. At the same time, it actually is! People all around the world are different. There exist those focused on maintaining employment. For them, going through the education system provides an opportunity for great employment opportunities. However, at the same time, different people focus on contributing more to society. To them, education is a waste of time and money!