Begin Group Analysis Each vignette is followed by 1 or 2 questions.

Begin Group Analysis

Each vignette is followed by 1 or 2 questions.


This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, 7th edition, and must be written at graduate level English. Please use the persons and situations within the context of your answers. Do not add information to the vignettes.  Culture specific and legal/ethical issues must be considered and can be found in the course text. You are encouraged to use outside resources for multicultural information.

Please integrate the material presented in the text in your discussions. To enhance the text material, you are also required to include a minimum of five (5) current, evidence based research articles on models of group therapy to support your discussions. Present your work in your own understanding, citing in APA format.

Citing and Referencing the course textbook

Capuzzi, D & Stauffer, M.D. (2019). Foundations of Group Counseling.(1st ed). New York, NY   Pearson.

(2013).   DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (5th edition).   Arlington, VA   American Psychiatric Association .

Please see the file on how to cite and reference the course text located under Resources

Your responses should be approx 1 ½ pages per vignette (not per question)

Total assignment should be 10-12 pages plus a title and reference page.

Do not copy or include the vignettes in your responses

Case Vignette 1

This case involves a busy mental health clinic that is under staffed. Counselors are under some pressure to do group work as a way of dealing with more clients in a given time. A counselor decides to organize a group by putting a notice on the bulletin board in the clinic and by sending a memo to her colleagues asking for candidates. There are no provisions for individual screening of potential members, no written announcement informing the members of the goals and purposes of the group and no preparation is done for the incoming members. No information is given to the members about the leader’s qualifications, background, possible techniques to be used, expectations and so forth. The receptionist is asked to admit the first 12 people who come to sign up or who call. The receptionist puts people into the group as they inquire, regardless of the nature of their problems, and they are simply told to show up at the first meeting. The group consists of 8 women, 3 of which identify as heterosexual European Americans, 4 that identify as heterosexual Latina Americans and 1 that identifies as a lesbian woman; 4 men, 1 of which identifies as a European American gay man, and 3 that identify as heterosexual African Americans. All members are between the ages of 27 and 40. At the first meeting, the entire group time is taken up by a depressed and suicidal member. Thus, no time is devoted to even minimal orientation to group goals and procedures; there is no getting-acquainted process, no discussion of norms and policies and no attempt to inform the members of the specific nature of the group. Many of the members are frightened by the intensity of this client’s crisis and several members do not return for the next session.


  1. Given the limitation of the situation described, how might you screen more effectively? If you worked in a busy clinic, describe alternatives to individual screening sessions?


  1. If you found yourself with a suicidal member at your initial group meeting, how might you handle the situation? What would you say to the suicidal member? How would you address the group about this situation?


Case Vignette 2

At the second meeting of a group, Phil, who identifies as a heterosexual Japanese American man, expresses his anxiety and claims that he is thinking of not re­turning next week. He says, “It’s very difficult for me to speak up. I have always been a listener and I know we are expected to participate in here. It’s just that I am so scared of being rejected, so I guess I’ll just sit back and watch. It is so hard for me to be in here that I don’t think I’ll come back again next week.” Several members quickly came in with statements such as “Phil, you’re not giving us a chance. We feel cheated, and if you don’t come back that will prove you are a coward! Whatever you do, don’t quit on yourself and on us.” Others follow by pressuring Phil to remain in the group.

  1. What interventions would you make to those attempting to coerce Phil to remain in the group? What might you want to ask Phil or say to him? What ethical issues are involved when group mem­bers pressure one another?


Case Vignette 3

Rose, a Hispanic-American woman, rarely says much in her group. Other members have caringly confronted her about how they were affected by her silence. Rose eventually says, “Everyone in here wants more from me than I am willing to give. It’s not that I am not interested, but I have always been more of a listener than one to speak up. I figure that if I have something to say, I’ll say it, but I don’t want to talk just to hear my voice.”

  1. What are some things you might say to Rose? In what ways can she control the group through her silence? Can you think of some strategies for exploring her silence with her that would not lead to her becoming even more silent?


Case Vignette 4

After a few meetings Brenda, a Pakistani woman, calls you and requests a private session. When you ask her why she wants an individual session, she tells you that she is having trouble trusting most of the members of the group and it is keeping her from participating. You suggest that she bring up this matter first in the group, and she tells you that she simply is not ready to take that risk.

  1. Would you be willing to see Brenda individually? Why or why not? What are some possible advantages of seeing her for one session? What are the disadvantages? If she agreed to bring up her lack of trust in the next group session, what interventions might you make? How would you assist her and the other members to deal with this trust issue?


Case Vignette 5

Rodney, an African American man, has a consis­tent pattern of asking others in the group very probing and personal questions. You have attempted to formulate a norm that people avoid asking questions and make statements instead. In spite of your best intentions, Rodney persists in interrogating people and succeeds in interrupting their work. He finally says, “I don’t see what the big deal is about me asking questions. I only ask questions because I’m curious. It’s my way of finding out about people. I don’t see why you all make such a big deal of my questioning people.”

  1. What are some ways you might intervene with Rodney? If the group confronts Rodney on his questioning, how would you intervene with them? What are some alternatives you might suggest to Rodney besides asking questions?


Case Vignette 6

It is the final session of a group you are leading and members are giving each other feedback. One member, Jody, an Indonesian woman, says to another member “You know, there are negative feelings that I have been holding onto for weeks—and before it’s too late I think I am going to have to tell you what I’ve been feeling about you!”

  1. What intervention would you make at this point? Would you encourage or discourage Jody from directing her negative feelings toward a particular member whom she has not to this point con­fronted? Why? What would you say to a group beforehand to lessen the danger of this type of belated confrontation?


Case Vignette 7

At the last meeting of a group Ned, a Native American man, seems convinced that he will not be able to main­tain the interpersonal skills he has acquired in his group. He says “It’s easy to get close to people in this group, but that just isn’t the way it is in the world. People are supposed to be caring and accepting in group, but in the world most people don’t really care. I can’t even get close to my son. He doesn’t understand this group talk!”

  1. What would you want to say to Ned? Specifically, how would you prepare members for setbacks? How would you help Ned see what important lessons he learned in the group?

Assignment Outcomes

Explore group leadership styles and approaches.

Examine legal and ethical issues relevant to group counseling.

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