Business Intelligence, Automation, Data Analytic

Business Intelligence, Automation, Data Analytic

Option #2: Business Intelligence, Automation, and Data Analytics

After reviewing this video involving artificial intelligence and automation from EY Global (Links to an external site.), answer the following questions:


  1. Discuss what are business intelligence, automation, and data analytics? In what ways can auditors use these tools to help in an audit?
  2. Several examples are discussed in applying AI and automation in auditing. Choose one example and share your thoughts on how this process may change the way auditors work.
  3. If you were hired as an auditor, what strategies would you use to incorporate artificial intelligence into your role? Provide examples of the resources you may use.

Your deliverable should be 3-4 pages in length. Please type your response in a Word document and follow APA format, according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include a title page and reference page. Use two (2) outside academic sources other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials.

Requirements: 3-4 Pages not counting cover or reference pages

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