Business Statistics for Decision-Making

Business Statistics for Decision-Making


Develop a paper that defines and presents an analysis of the following concepts in a business application. This means that you must provide examples of how each of these concepts can be used by upper-level management to make strategic decisions, and provide details on how statistical concepts used in the decision-making process can be summarized and presented to a board of directors.

● Types of statistics used for business.

● How Computer Software Applications can be used to process and analyze data

● How data can be displayed and explored in an effort to make better strategic business decisions

● How Probability is used in sales, marketing, manufacturing, and so forth.

● How to test hypotheses and compare results for the purpose of forecasting and making better strategic business decisions.

● Develop a hypothetical numerical example, conduct a test of hypotheses, and interpret the results.


-Essay format (APA)

-8-10 pages, double spacing

-Font: Times New Roman, Size 12

-At least 6 peer reviewed sources (include DOI in reference page)

-In text citations for each peer-reviewed source

-No plagiarism8-10 pages, double spacing

Requirements: 8-10 pages, double spacing   |   .doc file

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