CA451Communication and Leadership in Groups and TeamsWeek5Discussion – Evaluation and Argument

CA451Communication and Leadership in Groups and TeamsWeek5Discussion – Evaluation and Argument

Guidelines: Research shows that students who are engaged in their courses learn more and stay in school. The traditional undergraduate classroom where lecture rules can get in the way of student learning— this class is full of discussion to help you remain engaged with the material and your peers. You must post a research-based, thoughtful, and substantive initial posting for each weekly topic. You must also provide a quality research-based response to two fellow students’ initial postings by Sunday. There is no word limit here but the contributions should be quality contributions, meaning they promote active discussion. Scholarly arguing– discussing differences of opinion and supporting those opinions with evidence and reason without getting emotionally involved in the argument– is a key skill that is developed in school and will serve you as you work in groups or continue your education. Play devil’s advocate. Periodically argue for the side you disagree with– you’ll be better at seeing arguments and better able to take other people’s perspectives– a key communication skill. Ensure all writing is error-free and have correct APA citations and references.


Write Two Paragraphs:

  1. Find a piece of information on a controversial topic on the web. Do not use traditional news sources.
    1. For your initial post, give us that piece of information and include a link (citation/reference appropriately) to the source where you obtained the content.
    2. For additional posts, argue in support of a peer’s evaluation.

Requirements: Looking for a more in-depth guide with all the details.

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