1. Please divide into 4 paragraphs – one for each challenge and the solution for that challenge.
2. Remember to cite from where you obtain your information. It is unlikely you can develop 4 challenges, and suggestions to overcome, without outside help. This needs to be cited in the text AND at the end
Note the attached: Part of my draft and the sample.
Create a written strategic communications plan for the professional communication challenge or opportunity of your choice.
( Topic : NEW JOB OPPORTUNITY INTERVIEW Every new job opportunity represents a chance to improve your professional position. Strategic communication is critical to make the best first impression, navigate the screening and recruiting process, and secure the job through an interview (or series of them). If you choose this scenario, you’ll need to create both a written and a verbal (audio or video) communication. These elements should explain why you are the right person for the job while addressing the types of questions interviewers might ask. 4 Things to Consider • Do you follow the latest job listings relative to your area of expertise and industry? • Do you have an interview opportunity or position in mind for which you would like to apply? • Do your research, write a cover letter, and prepare for an interview that highlights your skill set. How can you bring value to the company? How would you prepare for the initial and follow-up interviews?)
Your plan should include the following components and may be written in a professional report format. See the formatting requirements for additional information. 1. Description a) What is your challenge or opportunity? b) Why is this professionally important to you? 2. Goal a) What goal or outcome do you want to achieve with this communication? i. Is it clear, concise, and actionable? 3. Audience a) Who is your target audience? i. What are the professional positions of the audience members? ii. What demographic characteristics will the audience comprise? iii. What is your relationship to the audience? iv. What background knowledge and expertise does the audience have? v. What does the audience know, feel about, and expect concerning this communication? vi. What preconceptions or biases do you possess that might prevent you from building rapport with your audience? b) What information is available about your audience? i. What research/sources will you use to obtain information about the audience? ii. What conclusions have you been able to draw about the audience? c) What tone will you use to convey your message? i. Is the setting casual or formal? ii. Is the communication personal or impersonal? 4. Key Message a) What is the primary message you must convey to your audience? i. Is the message compelling and memorable? ii. Is the message clear and concise? iii. Is the message aligned with your audience’s goals and needs? 5. Supporting Points a) What three to four points, reasons, or justifications support your message? i. What research/sources will you use to obtain facts/data about your message? 6. Channel Selection a) What communication style will you employ (Tell/Sell or Consult/Join), and why? b) What channel(s) will you use to deliver your message, and why will they be the most effective? c) What purpose is served by each channel you have selected? 7. Action Request a) Is your call to action you are making to your audience clear, concise, and easily actionable? Note: You may create and establish all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. The scenario is yours to explain.
Please add as much detail , and quality . this is just a plan to follow with much more detail , quality , and information .
The length should not be less then 7-8 pages please. Follow all the guidelines please and requirements , and not less then 7-8 pages . My challenge topic is New interview opportunity. And I am interviewing for an HR position for bank . The rough draft lists that, that I have attached please let me know if you have any questions . thank you so much !
1. Title of the report should be in the format “Globalization in The Cup (1991), Dir. Khentsye Norbu”
2. In the first paragraph of the movie report, you will give me a summary of the movie. It should be written in a way that a person who has not viewed it, can grasp the basics of the plot and the context.
3. In the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs, you will relate the movie to at least two concepts from the course. You can use the list provided in the media report, and additional concepts from the presentations and readings after the midterm. Make sure to explain why and how the concept is shown in the movie, not just state that it is so. Example, “In The Cup, forced migration due to religious persecution is depicted in the journey of two young boys out of Chinese-controlled territory to a Buddhist monastery in India….
4. End with your personal take. How did watching this movie teach you something about globalization that you didn’t know? Example, “I learned that soccer loyalties can be powerful and political, even when your country is not playing. In the film, the monks support France in the World Cup because they know that the French government has been sympathetic to the Tibetan cause.”
Word limit: 1200 words. Please see attached rubric for grading criteria.
Student identifies at least two concepts in the movie that relate to globalization.
Concept is related to the media report
The events, processes or objects described in the movie report are examples of the concept, or contradict it. The student explains the relationship between the concept and the movie report.
Personal reaction
Student is able to show that they achieved a better understanding of the concept by identifying it in the movie. This may include both intellectual and emotional responses.
Provides summary of the film
Movie is summarized in a way that a person who has not viewed it gets the gist.
“The decrease in smoking can be attributed to increased restrictions on smoking in public.”
“Bill’s proposal to create an on-site day-care center is just the latest of his harebrained ideas.”
“Our Model X500 didn’t succeed because we failed to sell a sufficient number of units.”
Prompt 3
Explain the difference between a chronological and a skills résumé. Which one would you use if you had little experience in the job area you are applying for?
Prompt 4
Comment on the effectiveness of the following memo
It has recently been brought to my attention that many of the people who are employed by this company have taken advantage of their positions by availing themselves of the copiers. More specifically, these machines are being used for other than company business.
Obviously, such practice is contrary to company policy and must cease and desist immediately. I wish therefore to inform all concerned – those who have abused the policy or will be abusing it – that their behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. Accordingly, anyone in the future who is unable to control himself will have his employment terminated.
If there are any questions about company policy, please feel free to contact this office.
Initial Post
Minimum 150 words
Include at least one reference from the text or outside source in your analysis