Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

User Cent Design

User Cent Design

Answer these questions:

1. What special design considerations might social media systems require that others do not require? Why?

2. What expectation of privacy should social media users expect?

3. Describe at least one example of how user centered design could enhance user privacy.

Your initial post should be at least 75 words per question (225 words). Be sure to cite at least three sources (APA style) to support your answer (one per question).

User Cent Design Read More »

Comm120- Interpersonal -Analysis paper

Comm120- Interpersonal -Analysis paper

Hello. this requirements is detailed in following description.

COMM 12- Analysis Paper

Book used: Adler, R. B., & Proctor II, R. F. (2011). Looking Out, Looking In (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN: 9780495796213

Assignment Description:

Understanding how to identify and respond to the communicative patterns of others is necessary when one seeks to improve their interpersonal relationships. However, it is just as important to develop the ability to understand and adjust your own patterns of communication if you desire to become a better communicator. Therefore, in this assignment you will be required to write a 3 to 5 page paper analyzing your own patterns of interpersonal communication. You will identify and apply specific course concepts and/or theories from the textbook to conduct your analysis while providing your own personal insights on how you can use this knowledge to improve your communication skills.This assignment is designed to get you to reflect on what you have learned about interpersonal communication throughout the semester and to come up with a plan for how you can improve your interactions with others. Thus, there should be two distinct parts to your paper: 1.) Your reflective analysis and 2.) Your plan for improvement. The first section, the reflective analysis, will make up the bulk of your paper. In this section, make sure to explain what aspects of your own interpersonal communication style you are analyzing by providing relevant examples. In the second section, your plan for improvement, you should provide a minimum of three specific ways you plan to improve your communication with others by using what you have learned throughout the semester.When completing this assignment, you will choose a minimum of three concepts from the textbook and utilize them in your self-analysis. You may decide to analyze one specific experience, or a small set of related experiences, thus you should home in on course concepts/material that help articulate how you intend to improve your communication based on these textbook concepts.You may choose to write about topics such as: a set of work-related experiences you have had in the past in which you did not communicate as effectively as you would have liked to (i.e. getting into arguments, unclear communication with co-workers that resulted in mistakes being made, being misperceived by a supervisor because of something you said or how you communicated, etc.); your tendency to be a poor listener and how it has had a negative impact on your relationships; a time when you failed to articulate yourself well enough and wanted to improve the clarity of your communication with others; etc.Since you will be choosing textbook concepts for this assignment, you will need to provide a reference page including in-text citations in APA style. Your paper will be judged according to the following criteria:1. Your ability to support your analysis through the use of relevant examples2. Your ability to connect classroom learning to your own patterns of communication3. The application of appropriate communication concepts and/or terminology from lecture or the textbook4. The demonstrated ability to think critically about your communicative style and to create a specific plan for improvement (quality of your writing/insights)5. Proper grammar, spelling, and overall formatLearning ObjectivesThis assignment is designed to help you:1. Apply interpersonal communication concepts in order to improve your interactions with others2. Organize information and facts into a cohesive, coherent essay3. Improve your critical thinking and writing skillsAssignment RequirementsPage limit: 3-5 pages, double-spaced, typed, 12-point font, with APA-style referencesPoints: 100 points

Comm120- Interpersonal -Analysis paper Read More »

Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” case study response

Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” case study response

“Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” at the end of Chapter 3 and response to the following:

Case study is last two page of attachment chapter 3

I am attaching case study pdf copy and book link in second pdf . and follow the instruction. The Case Study should fully answer and address the questions asked, and should model a well-structured essay. The best responses will include section headings, use strong topic sentences, and succinctly but thoroughly explain and provide examples for the response. There is no minimum word count but I would assume at least 1,500 words will be necessary. There is no maximum word count, however, you should be succinct in your ability to explain yourself. I would expect that you will use sources to fully respond to the Case Study, drawing upon the textbook and beyond. You should properly cite these sources. There is no minimum number of citations required but I would assume at least 3 sources may be necessary, depending on the Case Study. Please use your best scholarly and professional judgment.

  1. Is Price demonstrating elements of corporate social responsibility by his actions in this case, or not?
  2. How is Price exhibiting the fourth Phase of Corporate Citizenship (Figure 3.2, 1990s to present: Corporate/Global Citizenship) in his actions at Gravity Payments?
  3. What arguments in support of, or concerns about, corporate social responsibility (referring to Figure 3.3) are relevant to this case?
  4. Is Price acting like an executive of a firm that could be certified as a B corporation?
  5. What stage of global corporate citizenship (using Figure 3.5) is Gravity Payments operating at, and why do you think so?

Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” case study response Read More »

People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them?

People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them?

Writing PromptPeople of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them? WritersNoa Gafni SlaneyNoa Gafni Slaneyisthe founder and chief executive of Impact Squared. She is a fellow of social innovationat the University of Cambridge.Emerson CsorbaEmerson Csorba is an educational policy adviser. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Artsand Canada’s Public PolicyForum.

Digital Connectedness is Good For UsBy Noa Gafni Slaney, New York Times, 2017

Digital Connectedness is Bad for UsBy Emerson Csorba, New York Times,2017

Please complete the parts highlighted in yellow.Essay

#4 OutlineI.Introduction

A Start with an attention grabber.

B. Introduce the two articlesi. Provide the author’s first and last names, credentials, and titles of the textsii. Provide a short (1-2 sentence) summary of each article.

C. Thesis – answer the question: People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them?

II.Topic Sentence 1: First reason to support your thesis statementi.

Quote 1: from the article you agree withii. Explanation 1: i.

Quote 2: from the article you agree withiii. Explanation 2: iv.

Quote 3: from the article you agree withv. Explanation 3: vi. Concluding SentenceIII.

Topic Sentence 2: Second reason to support your thesis statementi.

Quote 1: from the article you agree withii. Explanation 1: ii.

Quote 2: from the article you agree withiii. Explanation 2: iv.

Quote 3: from the article you agree withv. Explanation 3: vi. Concluding SentenceIV.

Topic Sentence 3: Counter argumenti.

Quote 1: from the article you disagree withii. Explanation 1: iii. Refutation:iii.

Quote 2: from the article you agree withiv. Explanation 2: v.

Quote 3: from the article you agree withvi. Explanation 3: vii. Concluding Sentence

People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them? Read More »

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