Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

Communication essay

Communication essay

For many, conflict is considered a negative experience and an indication that something has gone wrong. When viewed from that perspective it frequently creates interactions that leave us feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. This assignment will identify some of the ways we get stuck in the trap of justification and also provide hope for a new way of approaching conflict. This different approach unlocks the possibilities of conflict and empowers us to create the change we want in the world around us, in our relationships, places of work, communities, and most of all within ourselves.

“Conflict holds up a mirror to our deepest needs and most cherished hope and it is the doorway of opportunity for creating the change we want in our life. It is common to feel trapped and stuck when we experience conflict, but there is a way out!”-Clair Canfield

Watch this Video: Take notes about the content.

The beauty of conflict | Clair Canfield | TEDxUSU (Links to an external site.)

Minimize Video

Once you have taken notes about the presentation, you will write an essay response. Upon completion, your essay should

  • have a clear (and brief) introduction, a body and a clear (and brief) conclusion format.
  • be 1000-1200 words in length.
  • incorporate three references from three different chapters in the course textbook. Other textbooks, articles, websites and such will not be accepted.
  • include a clear in-text citation (text chapter, page number) of materials from our textbook.
  • not include a reference page.
  • be free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • represent college-level writing

Body of Essay Instructions

In the body of your post, you must include responses to the following:

  1. What are some of the metaphors used by the speaker to describe conflict?
    • Which one did you connect with best?
    • Why do metaphors matter?
  2. Conflict has the power to transform, if we look at conflict _________________.
    • Do you agree or disagree with this claim? Why?
  3. What are the “three keys” to looking at conflict differently?
    • Explain what each of these keys mean in detail according to the speaker.
  4. The speaker created the acronym VOCAB to help you think about how you can be responsible in your conflict and how you can create the change that you want.
    • What does each letter stand for? Explain each word in the acronym according to the speaker.
  5. Based on the entire presentation, what advice will you try the next time you get into a conflict situation with a significant other?

look at chapter 11 and 12

Communication essay Read More »

current social issues paper for ethnic studies

current social issues paper for ethnic studies

Choose a current or recent social issue that is related to ethnic studies. Include/choose theories such as racial formation theory, whiteness, indigenous decolonization, structural functionalism, and intersectionality. Use social theories to frame the issue, and identify 3 or more perspectives from differing points of privilege to oppression, from conquest to resistance.

Here are the specific instructions:

3 components:

– creative piece (1 page double spaced) : creatively present the specific topic you chose to a general audience. Possible formats could include newspaper article or commercial/advertisement. Illustrate complexity of issue and clearly communicate an ethnic studies perspective. Illustrative piece or picture may be included on this page (1 page max).

-research based analysis ( about 5-6 pages double spaced): Detail the complexities of the topic you chose; cite a minimum of three strong outside sources (books, journals, scholarly websites, articles, online publications). Use sources to help you articulate compare and contrast different viewpoints on topic. Properly cite all sources. For each viewpoint include:

-Background information on the viewpoint’s proponents

-Clear articulation of interests, ideologies, and agenda(s)

-Intersectional positioning

-Data from narratives and secondary sources

(include a works cited page)

-self reflection (may be separate section or may be included in research based analysis- about 1/2 page double spaced) Why does this issue matter to you? How has working on this project impacted how you view your own relationship to power, privilege, and oppression?

another note: make sure to talk about social construction and intersectionality:

Social Construction – What social theory(is) are you using to analyze the issue? What is the historical context of the issue? How did the topic/issue come about? How are different groups situated in relationship to power? How are the issue and perspectives constructed within a social context?

Intersectionality – As a more specific aspect of social construction, detail specifically how multiple intersecting axes of individual/group identity are at play in the viewpoints and the issue overall.

let me know if you need anything

also, when you choose a topic, can you let me know what it is.

current social issues paper for ethnic studies Read More »

Virtual Environment A virtual environment is an online

Virtual Environment A virtual environment is an online environment where things can be posted, participated in, and manipulated by the users. Virtual environments encompass things like virtual reality, multi-user games, shared communities or similar. Whe

Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is an online environment where things can be posted, participated in, and manipulated by the users. Virtual environments encompass things like virtual reality, multi-user games, shared communities or similar. When you complete this week’s assignment, think about what virtual environments you spend time in. Below are some links to examples of virtual reality environments.

Oculus Rift: Next generation virtual reality

HoloLens: Holographic computer that allows you to interact with hologram

Active Worlds: Users create their own worlds and custom 3D content

Write a 2- to 3-page paper in APA format that describes the pros and cons of this type of environment. Make sure to include the following information within your paper.

1.Describe what virtual environments you use (e.g., World of Warcraft, fantasy football, Second Life).

2.Share how long you spend in these environments. Fun fact: The average American spends nearly eight hours a day staring at screens (computer, phone, TV, etc.).

3.Is new virtual reality technology, such as Oculus Rift, the same as an environment such as Fantasy Football or Facebook? Why or why not?

4.How might you apply the functionalism theory to explain the virtual environment experience for someone with social anxiety issues?

5.Include how each of the perspectives explains the concept of virtual reality/environments. Try to view the problem from each perspective by asking the kinds of questions a theorist would ask if they were a functionalist, conflict theorist, or symbolic interactionist. For this this assignment, you could ask yourself:

oWhat is the function of virtual reality/environment? What role does this play in our culture? (Functionalism)

oWhat conflicts arise because of virtual reality/environments? How do you feel about the technology gap? Is there inequality present? (Conflict theory)

oWhat does virtual reality/environment mean to us as a society? When we interact on the Internet, explore virtual environments, and make connections online, what do these relationships mean? (Symbolic interactionism)

Virtual Environment A virtual environment is an online Read More »

4thyearUniversitylevelMusicWriting1000words, Coursename: Rock and RollEra&Beyond

4thyearUniversitylevelMusicWriting1000words, Coursename: Rock and RollEra&Beyond

Write an Artist Profile on one of the following artists or songwriting teams:

Carol Kaye- [bass, guitar]

James Jamerson [bass]

Lieber & Stoller [songwriters]

Smokey Robinson [songwriter/producer/performer]

What are the formative influences for this artist? How did they learn their trade and in which kinds of music? If there was a breakthrough moment in their career, when did it occur? Describe this moment. What were the factors in play? Was this artist involved in any major recordings? i.e. songs that are considered “classic” or notable contributions in the history of popular music. Did this artist influence future musicians in the field? If so, who, and briefly describe.

Your assignment should be roughly 1000 words [2 pages singles spaced].

You must provide three online sources for this assignment. Wikipedia is an acceptable place to begin given current conditions, but there are numerous sources of information. I’ve provided some tips for online research on Brightspace. You cannot use quotes of any kind in this assignment. It is to be written in your own words. However, avoid writing in first person unless you wish to express personal opinion at the end of the report. This is acceptable once you have completed the criteria for the assignment. You cannot submit this assignment in point form. One strategy is to create a point form draft in which you answer all of the pertinent questions. Then write the assignment using your draft as a skeleton [I have included a sample version of a point form rough draft and a final draft]. Remember what I said off the top of the class about the difference between a fan and a student. You are a student.

I will post two sample for the assignment, but you CAN NOT copy them, just take a look for reference and format.

Please carefully read the request for this assignment, Please follow the format required in the title and the reference to complete the article

4thyearUniversitylevelMusicWriting1000words, Coursename: Rock and RollEra&Beyond Read More »

Complete a 2-3 page sociological analysis of your name, looking at how your naming may have been impacted by culture, gender, and time period.

Complete a 2-3 page sociological analysis of your name, looking at how your naming may have been impacted by culture, gender, and time period.

Complete a 2-3 page sociological analysis of your name, looking at how your naming may have been impacted by culture, gender, and time period.


Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:

Part 1 – Discuss your name.

What is your name?

Describe where your name comes from.

Discuss the origins of your name (if it is known).

Research the popularity of your name. Discuss other information you find regarding your name.

Part 2 – Examine your name from a sociological perspective.

Describe how your name has been impacted by time period, culture, gender, et cetera.

Identify other aspects of the social world that may be related to naming.

Part 3 – Reflect on your name.

Based on your research and sociological analysis of you name, share your thoughts or perspective on your

name or names in general.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate

understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Written communication needs to be free of errors

that detract from the overall message.

Sources: Cite at least two scholarly sources.

Length: 2–3 pages, not including title and reference pages.

Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in-text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing

becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]

Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Complete a 2-3 page sociological analysis of your name, looking at how your naming may have been impacted by culture, gender, and time period. Read More »

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