
ad’s rhetorical situation

English Question

This process assignment will comprise the first few body paragraphs of your Unit 2 essay, the analysis (the evaluation paragraphs will come later). Your analysis will consist of two parts: 1) determining your ad’s rhetorical situation and 2) explaining how the ad uses rhetorical appeals to persuade its audience. In both cases, you should also determine why the creators of the ad made the decisions they made in constructing the ad.

For the first part, you are looking at the ad’s rhetorical situation, which consists of three main parts: the audience, the purpose, the context, and the genre. The intended audience of the ad is who the advertisement is intended for. The ad’s purpose is what the makers of the ad want the audience to do as a result of viewing the ad, and that purpose is usually to sell a product, a service, or an idea. The ad’s context will address a need of the audience and attempt to fulfill that need with the product being advertised. Is that need personal, academic, professional, civic, or something else entirely? You will also need to state the ad’s genre, be it a commercial, a still ad in a magazine, or whatever the case may be. Based on the rhetorical situation, why do you think the authors of the ad chose this genre to communicate their product or service?

In the second part, you will analyze various specific parts of the ad to determine how it uses the three appeals to try to persuade its audience: logos (logic of the message being communicated), ethos (credibility or reputation of the advertiser), and pathos (emotions of the audience). Depending on the nature of the product, the advertiser’s approach may vary, and certain appeals might be emphasized more heavily than others. Determine which appeals are the most important and the least important in the ad’s argument, bearing in mind that one or more appeals might not be used at all. Give specific examples from the ad that illustrate its use of the appeals you choose to focus on; explain how the example is indeed an appeal to logos, ethos, or pathos as you stated; and determine (again, based on the rhetorical situation) why you think the ad’s creators chose this approach to their advertisement. In other words, determine why the authors thought this approach would be an effective way to convince their audience to purchase their product, service, idea or piece of media

I have attached the ad im using

Requirements: 3 body paragraphs 250

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Research & Summaries Question

Research & Sum  maries Question

In a 10 to 15 page paper, students are asked to A) review the scholarly research on response and/or recovery and give an overview of major themes in the literature AND B) analyze the response and recovery to a FEMA federally declared disaster. The analysis should include information on the disaster, scholarly literature discussing some aspect of the disaster, and ways that the disaster response and recovery could be improved.

Students who plagiarize will fail this course. Papers should be double spaced, 11 or 12 point font, Calibri or Times New Roman, 1″ margins on all sides

Requirements: 10-15 pages

Textbook used or anything of that nature? If you find anything related to race, social class and the response/recovery process that would be great but anything works (not picky). APA format perhaps?

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English Question

English Question

Final Paper/Creative Project

You have the option to either write a traditional academic paper for this class, or to do a creative project that somehow puts you in conversation with the course texts and themes. Your proposal for your final is due Wednesday of Week 9, in lieu of a weekly writing assignment.

Paper Option: An academic research paper of 8-10 pages (double-spaced, MLA format)

which cites at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to at least 1 course text. For this paper, you will choose a specific topic upon which to focus your research and analysis. You may choose to expand on one of your ideas from your weekly writing assignments, or you may choose a new topic altogether.

Requirements: 8 – 10 pages

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JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW of current research in an area of organizational trends in the education

JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW of current research in an area of organizational trends in the education

ASSIGNMENT TWO (30 points):
The articles reviewed for this assignment must report the results of current research in an area
of organizational trends in the education or human services environment. The article must be
directed at a scholarly audience.
The review must be on an article reporting structured research, that is, one with variables,
statistical analyses, relationships among variables, etc. The article may be about
any organizational trend/topic you choose. The key to this assignment is to demonstrate your
analytical and research capabilities by specifically linking the procedures discussed in the article
to the concepts addressed in this course.
To ensure proper content and quality, a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journals must be included
in the analysis, and to the extent possible, a majority of your sources should be less than two
years old. Your paper will be 6 to 8 double-spaced pages 12 pt. font.
NSU Alvin Sherman Library
Through the library, you have access to hundreds of databases and each database
contains different types of information sources including scholarly journal articles, e-
books, dissertations, newspaper articles, streaming videos, and more. When researching
a topic, you should look for information in library databases. To get to the library
databases, start on the Alvin Sherman Library homepage, which is nova.edu/library/main.
On the homepage, you will see two buttons called “Databases by Name” and “Databases
by Subject.” If you don’t know a specific database to use, click on “Databases by Subject”
to find a category that best matches your topic. For example, if you were looking for
articles on standardized testing, you would want to select the category for “Education”
so you could view all of the library’s education-related databases.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are REQUIRED to access the ProQuest – Education Database to
search for academic/scholarly sources for this assignment. Sources from other
sites/databases CANNOT BE USED.
NOTE: Reference list should follow APA 7th edition format guidelines. Remember, every
assignment must include the FCE title page. See appendix.

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