History assignment, 4-5 pages work sheet, must use the scource I provide, check more informations below.
History assignment, 4-5 pages work sheet, must use the scource I provide, check more informations below.
Must use the scource on the book, link here:
username: zwang8@sdsu.edu
password: Zola1004
Part I: Exercise document checklist (choose 4)
- Iron Maiden portrayal of Alexander the Great
- Stoicism video
- Attacks on World Heritages sites
- Primary source comparison 7.3 and 7.4 (women/wives)
- Etruscans and Romans video clips
- Building blocks of Christianity clips
- Self-reflection on Byzantine chant
- Artifacts and museums (Ctesiphon)
- Primary source comparison 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 (pilgrims)
- Mesoamerican clips
- Empress Wu clips
- Shahnameh (Becoming the World ppt.)
- Crusades
- Covid-19 vs. other pandemics
Your exercises will be assessed for
- Evidence of having done the work
- Historical context/connections, i.e. link to lectures and textbook
- Critical thinking
- Clear writing
Part II: Primary Source Analysis (choose 2)
Compare and contrast TWO of the following primary source excerpts from DIFFERENT chapters. Make sure to include all the basic elements of a primary source analysis such as author, date, historical context, audience, etc. Include a minimum of 1 quotation from each document. 2-3 pages, double-spaced.
Chapter 1: Rig Veda, Bible, Popul Vuh, Yoruba Creation Narrative
Chapter 3: Code of Manu
Chapter 4: Upanishads
Chapter 5: Zoroaster, Dhammapada (Buddha), Socrates
Chapter 6: Ptolemy V
Chapter 7: Dong Zhongshu, Cicero
Chapter 8: Ecclesiastical history (Socrates), Egeria
Chapter 9: Law of Adamnan, Song Ruoxin and song Ruozhao,
Chapter 11: Ibn al-Wardi, Florentine Chronicle, Al-Maqrizi
Note: no thesis is needed. You should analyze the two documents first, one after the other, and then provide a paragraph in which you compare similarities and differences.