
People of HaitianHeritage and People of IranianHeritage

People of HaitianHeritage and People of IranianHeritage

People of Haitian Heritage

People of Iranian Heritage

Read chapter 15 and 32 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Read content chapter 32 Davis Plus Online Website. Once done, present a 800 words essay discussing the Haitian and Iranian Heritages. The essay must contained the following;

-Geographical localization and topography

-Politic and economy

-Health care beliefs and the relationship with their religious beliefs

-How they view the health, illness and death concepts

You must used at least two evidence-based references (excluding) the class textbook.

People of HaitianHeritage and People of IranianHeritage Read More »

What do you think are the strengths and the weakness

What do you think are the strengths and the weakness

Discussion Post (1/2-1 Page)


  1. What do you think are the strengths and the weakness of of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children? How do you think that the UNCRC translates into different cultures?
Please include references and provide the url link to all journal articles you use as references. Use current (meaning within the past 2 years) scholarly journal articles as references. Use APA 6th edition

What do you think are the strengths and the weakness Read More »

Art History Research paper, Japanese Yokai

Art History Research paper, Japanese Yokai

Research is more involved than simply looking things up online, just like there is more to cooking than popping something in the microwave. Cooking can actually serve as a good analogy: you can cook effectively using either store-bought, semi-processed ingredients or forage for wild plants. Likewise, you can do research that relies on published secondary sources, or gather firsthand information through field studies. But in both cases, it is necessary to learn how to recognize the quality of your ingredients and the how best to combine and process them in order to achieve worthwhile results. In this course, we will practice basic research skills by writing briefs on various topics.

Possible research topics are suggested for each module of the syllabus. Please choose one of the suggested options. The research brief is a 750–1000 word paper that reflects your independent exploration of that topic outside of class. The research brief consists of your own synthesis and analysis of the scholarly research on that topic that you have identified and reviewed from a comparison sources. In addition to any use you make of syllabus readings, please review three additional sources. Of the additional sources, at least two should be scholarly texts located through JSTOR or the Copley Library search interface, and no more than one can be a good-quality website.

Quote and cite all your sources (both syllabus readings and outside sources) using Chicago- style footnotes or endnotes, and make clear reference to your sources when detailing what you have discovered about your topic. Make sure to note any disparities of fact or position between the sources. Syllabus readings may be included among your sources, but a minimum of three outside sources (i.e., not on the syllabus) is required for each brief.

Hi, thank you for doing this, so In general this research will be based on the two articles I have attached as you can see in the description, in addition to that we need to use 3 outside sources to describe the yokai as a whole. Two sources from JSTOR or Copley library and the last source is from a good website

And the most important thing is using Chicago style citing for the sources

Art History Research paper, Japanese Yokai Read More »

Q: How are the rise and fall of the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Assyrian empires connected? Why was there so much shifting of power and what was the purpose of attaining more power?

Q: How are the rise and fall of the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Assyrian empires connected? Why was there so much shifting of power and what was the purpose of attaining more power?

Answer question follow the book, write 200 words

Directions: please write AT LEAST a 200-word response to the following prompt providing at least two examples from the reading.

Q: How are the rise and fall of the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Assyrian empires connected? Why was there so much shifting of power and what was the purpose of attaining more power?

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read chapter 2 :

The Egyptians

The Nile and the God-King

Egyptian Society and Work

Migrations, Revivals, and Collapse

The Emergence of New States

The Hebrews

The Hebrew State

The Jewish Religion

Hebrew Society

The Assyrians and Persians

Assyria, the Military Monarchy

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Account: powercnn826@gmail.com

code: 19970826Zcc@

Q: How are the rise and fall of the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Assyrian empires connected? Why was there so much shifting of power and what was the purpose of attaining more power? Read More »

Essay 800-1000 words.

Essay 800-1000 words.

1. A comparison between Confucius’ thoughts and Taoist thoughts in Classic China.

The essay should follow the very basic format: an introduction, a set of arguments to support your opinion or present your comparative points, and a conclusion. (It is obvious to me that most of the essays relied too much on the Internet sources often neglect the use of such a format.)

You can certainly use materials from other sources, including sources from the Internet, but make sure you are introducing Hindu traditions and the comparison of Classical Chinese thoughts in their proper time periods. You must make proper judgments as to what materials and views should be included in your writings in your research.

The paper should be of two or three pages of length, typed in a double space and font 12 format, and having footnote/endnote been properly displayed.

Essay 800-1000 words. Read More »

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