
Workplace violence against nurses?

Workplace violence against nurses?

Before submitting your paper, ask the following questions:

  • Is verb tense consistent throughout the paper (reporting research in the past tense)?
  • Generally, is the paper written in active voice?
  • Are comma splices, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences avoided?
  • Is word redundancy avoided?
  • Is language free of bias?
  • Are who/whom, that/which, that/who used correctly?
  • Is punctuation (especially commas and apostrophes) used correctly?
  • Are “think” and “feel” used correctly?
  • Do any sentences end with a preposition?
  • Is jargon, clichés, and informal language avoided?
  • Are singular subjects used with singular verbs and plural subjects with plural verbs?
  • Were spell check and grammar check used?
this is the continuation of previous paper. (F506)
you have to continue this paper.This is final paper.Add 2 more full pages .Write other content with conclusion.

this is grading criteria.Look at this first and follow the instructions

please write good papr.Use APA format.Use citations.

Workplace violence against nurses? Read More »

interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media

Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care. As you begin to consider the assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Breach of Protected Health Information (PHI) activity. The w


In this assessment, assume you are a nurse in an acute care, community, school, nursing home, or other health care

setting. Before your shift begins, you scroll through Facebook and notice that a coworker has posted a photo of herself and a patient on Facebook. The post states, “I am so happy Jane is feeling better. She is just the best patient

I’ve ever had, and I am excited that she is on the road to recovery.”

You have recently completed your annual continuing education requirements at work and realize this is a breach of

your organization’s social media policy. Your organization requires employees to immediately report such breaches

to the privacy officer to ensure the post is removed immediately and that the nurse responsible receives appropriate

cYoorur efoctlliovew aacptpiorno.priate organizational protocols and report the breach to the privacy officer. The privacy officer takes

swift action to remove the post. Due to the severity of the breach, the organization terminates the nurse.

Based on this incident’s severity, your organization has established a task force with two main goals:

Educate staff on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.

Prevent confidentiality, security, and privacy breaches.

The task force has been charged with creating a series of interprofessional staff updates on the following topics:

Social media best practices.

What not to do: Social media.

Social media risks to patient information.

Steps to take if a breach occurs.

You are asked to select one of the topics, or a combination of several topics, and create the content for a staff

update containing a maximum of two content pages. When distributed to interprofessional team members, the

update will consist of one double-sided page.

The task force has asked team members assigned to the topics to include the following content in their updates in

addition to content on their selected topic(s):

What is protected health information (PHI)?

Be sure to include essential HIPAA information.

What are privacy, security, and confidentiality?

Define and provide examples of privacy, security, and confidentiality concerns related to the use of the

technology in health care.

Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health


What evidence relating to social media usage and PHI do interprofessional team members need to be aware

of? For example:

How many nurses have been terminated for inappropriate social media usage in the United States?

What types of sanctions have health care organizations imposed on interdisciplinary team members

who have violated social media policies?

What have been the financial penalties assessed against health care organizations for inappropriate

social media usage?

What evidence-based strategies have health care organizations employed to prevent or reduce

confidentiality, privacy, and security breaches, particularly related to social media usage?


Your staff update is limited to two double-spaced content pages. Be selective about the content you choose

to include in your update so that you are able to meet the page length requirement. Include need-to-know

information. Leave out nice-to-know information.

Many times people do not read staff updates, do not read them carefully, or do not read them to the end.

Ensure your staff update piques staff members’ interest, highlights key points, and is easy to read. Avoid

overcrowding the update with too much content.

Also supply a separate reference page that includes 2–3 peer-reviewed and 1–2 non-peer-reviewed resources

(for a total of 3–5 resources) to support the staff update content.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Ensure the staff update is free from errors that detract from the overall message.

Submission length: Maximum of two double-spaced content pages.

Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point.

interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media Read More »

Part 2: How Am I Doing? Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse. The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way. Share in a 2 – 3 page paper, the following: Re-look at your Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel scores. Have they changed? If so, in what ways. Think about your current levels of tension and stress. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level, what is your score? Now think about the strategies you identified. Describe how well you have put them into action. If you have not been able to implement them, identify why and what you can do to overcome this. Identify any new strategies that you think will “fit” better and describe why. Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing. APA formatting I have written part 1 of this assignment before and nothing has changed. but you can just write something.

Part 2: How Am I Doing?

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse.

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way.

Share in a 2 – 3 page paper, the following:

  1. Re-look at your Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel scores. Have they changed? If so, in what ways.
  2. Think about your current levels of tension and stress. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level, what is your score? Now think about the strategies you identified. Describe how well you have put them into action. If you have not been able to implement them, identify why and what you can do to overcome this.
  3. Identify any new strategies that you think will “fit” better and describe why.
  4. Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing. APA formatting

I have written part 1 of this assignment before and nothing has changed. but you can just write something.

Part 2: How Am I Doing? Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse. The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way. Share in a 2 – 3 page paper, the following: Re-look at your Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel scores. Have they changed? If so, in what ways. Think about your current levels of tension and stress. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level, what is your score? Now think about the strategies you identified. Describe how well you have put them into action. If you have not been able to implement them, identify why and what you can do to overcome this. Identify any new strategies that you think will “fit” better and describe why. Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing. APA formatting I have written part 1 of this assignment before and nothing has changed. but you can just write something. Read More »

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