Developing a strong PAF narrative
Developing a strong PAF narrative
The appraisal is more about things I did in each category. I have attached some documents, please review for understanding. Look under the Universal Promotion Factors, notice each have character limits which should be in bullet format, not paragraph.I have certain situations to provide you of my efforts and ability to support the Defense Intelligence Agency’s mission, which ultimately is the impact. If you notice the attachment police career specialty GG11 GG12 are the levels up I must write to and show how I performed those duties and give situations. I’ve underline certain performance in which I’ve worked.
We will have to work together, while I provide you with situations to write towards.
Do you mind if I upload my rough draft, keep in mind its not properly formatted. Thats why I need your help to write it to meet page 1 and be clear about how i met the full performance for gg11 gg12
Go to the first attachment: under the Universal promotion factors, each box has limited characters for writing. Please keep that in mind when writing.
Please write in first person. Each Universal promotion factors I must give situation, result, frequency and ultimately the impact.
I need to write about this: https://www.theredstonerocket.
Situation: Garrison Policy No. 190-44-1 Redstone Arsenal Recreation Visitor Access Badge Policy
I had to give a briefing to high level official regarding changes in policy. GG12 work complexity: provide guidance a d counseling to police sergeant and senior leaders on operational of the policy.
I responded to a no-notice tasker by the MSIC Deputy Director for information directly assessing the security posture of the Redstone Arsenal. I guess the impact of the Information ultimately provided to DIA Army and Air Force element Commanders as part of an overall security assessment of DIA Military personnel at the locations worldwide
Question for you , please tell me which which promotion factor, is best to apply?
That should be written in one of the Universal Promotion Factors for the GG12 full performance.
please keep in mind that each universal Promotion factor is bout things I did in each category. the Garrison Policy, please apply it accordingly to the GG12 Full performance. I hope all this is making sense and you’re not confused.
I will give you more sitaution when you’re ready. Thanks
Another situation I need to mention that speaks towards Police Career Specialty GG11 , see where it’s written: Performs work using existing skill, and on the job experience.
I used my Secret Service Presidential Protective Division training that demonstrated my ability to lead an inexperience team in Protective protection. MSIC Area Commander requested me to lead the team because of prior experience working with the Secret Service. We were assigned to drive the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence while she visited Vice President Pence during her visit. Beforehand, i gave a quick briefing to the team about defensive driving for the motorcade
How do I write it to Impact by developing a strong PAF narrative?
Please review the full performance both GG11 GG12, tell me which ones should I applied this situation.