Chapter 14: Adolescent Stress and Alienation or Chapter 15: Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Dependency

Chapter 14: Adolescent Stress and Alienation or Chapter 15: Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Dependency

Week 1 Final Project Directions

Final Project Directions

undefinedFor your final project you will be writing a paper in APA format. (See details below.)
Your paper should be approximately 4-5 pages or 1200 words.

In your paper you will choose from one of the topics listed in Chapter 14: Adolescent Stress and Alienation or Chapter 15: Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Dependency. Here are the topics:

Running Away
Teen Depression
Self-Injurious Behavior
Eating Disorders
Juvenile Delinquency
Conduct Disorder, ODD, and ADHD
Juvenile Gangs
Drug Use and Abuse
Tobacco and Smoking
Alcohol and Excessive Drinking

Your completed paper will be due on Sunday night, the last night of Week 3 at one minute before midnight, E.S.T.
*Remember, we already know what the textbook says so you will want to do good research to find additional materials on this topic as it specifically relates to adolescents. Your textbook is fine as one resource but you will need at least 3 others for a total of 4 in addition to the text.
Your paper will analyze the topic presented in the text, Chapter 14. You will need to include and cover these important details about your topic:

1) Introduction: A proper definition/introduction of the problem you will present
2) Epidemiology overview (the causes, statistical information)
3) Causes and symptoms (why do teens struggle with this stressor)
4) Nature or Nurture (Discuss whether it is hereditary or environmental or both.)
5) Diagnosis or assessment (Discuss how the stressor is recognized, diagnosed or assessed.)
6) Treatment (Options and prevention)
7) Conclusion (What additional thoughts do you have? What have you learned?)

Be sure to review the grading grid so that you will be aware of how your paper will be graded. This should also serve as a guide to help you remember to include all of the important elements in the paper.

Grading Rubric for Final Project


Item Description
Adequately covers the topics using and citing factual information-Meets the required word count 1000-1200 words40
Uses the required minimum scholarly and credible resources (at least four)20
Uses proper organization, following APA style.*This paper should include title page, and works cited list and use headings. Should include parenthetical citations. Should be double-spaced. Should post your word count. (Abstract not required.)20 

undefinedAdditionally your APA paper needs to contain these important elements:

Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):

·Use a 12 pt. Arial or Times New Roman Font

·Double-space your paper

·Minimum of 1200 words. Maximum 1200 (This will be about 4-5 pages.) Remember to include your word count.

·Minimum of four (4) cited sources (one can be your text) using the parenthetical citations and the works cited page. Do NOT use Wikipedia as it is not considered to be a scholarly and reliable resource

·Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material
(See below)

·Make sure your name is on your paper

.Include a title page and a works cited page (no abstract needed) & word count

·Paper should contain an introduction, a body, and a good conclusion

Most importantly, DO NOT PLAGIARIZE YOUR WORK!!!-
Write in your own words and when in doubt–CITE! 🙂
Plagiarized work will result in an instant zero for the paper.

Do not go to a website, copy and then paste and expect it to count as your paper. Your paper will be checked for plagiarism so don’t make this error.

Requirements: 1000words

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