Choose 2 U.S. NEWS articles (not an opinion!) from the Wall Street Journal between March 1 and March 10

Choose 2 U.S. NEWS articles (not an opinion!) from the Wall Street Journal between March 1 and March 10

“And figuring out the appropriate size and role of government has always been a source of rigorous and, yes, sometimes angry debate. That’s our history.”

—–Pres. Barack Obama 9/9/2009 Address to Congress on Health care

Most American politics is a debate about the role and size of government.

Choose 2 U.S. NEWS articles (not an opinion!) from the Wall Street Journal between March 1 and March 10 that you believe show the ongoing debate within classical liberalism in the US regarding either the role of government, the size of government, or both. Explain why your examples show the debate within classical liberalism. (DO NOT USE conservative or progressive arguments for or against—-it’s all within classical liberalism.)

The articles are to get you started, your grade is on how you apply classical liberal ideas. Hint: Look to the obstacles, the accepted roles of Adam Smith, or the harm principle.

NO OUTSIDE SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!———–—-just the 2 articles (and the text if needed)

Length: 2 paragraphs for each article (one for each side of the debate).

Requirements: 2 paragraphs for each article (one for each side of the debate).

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