CIS 200 questions

CIS 200 questions

  1. Due DateFriday, February 28, 202011:59 PMPoints Possible100
  2. Page 53 Amazon Drone Knocking. Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Each question values 20pts
    Must be typed with your name, course and section in the header of the document.
    You have 3 attempts to post your answers. If your overall percentage is greater than 40 % you will automatically get a zero.
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    QUESTIONS1.How will drones impact the supply chain?2.Why are big retailers racing to be the first to market with drone home delivery?3. How can a CRM system help communicate issues in the supply chain between customers and drones?4.How could BPR help uncover issues in a company’s supply chain that uses drones?5.What are the pros and cons of using a drone to deliver packages?

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