Community Action Council of Howard County – Food Bank

Nursing Question

What population do you believe they serve?

What do you believe is the most pressing need for this population?

With this information create a Health Promotion Project that you believe meets the needs of the community partner based on the criteria below:

Project Requirements:

  • This project can be in the form of a flier or brochure that educates the community you served on an important public health issue.
  • Any flier, brochure or handout must contain factual, accurate information.
  • Fliers, brochures and handouts must be free of spelling errors, be creative, colorful and in a PDF format, so that it can easily be printed or shared electronically.
  • Include the logo or the partner name in the project (logo on printable materials, mention the partner in recorded materials)
  • The name of the file MUST be saved in the following format:
    • (ex: CAC.HandWashingVideo.Smith)

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