Demonstrate Understanding of Interviewing and Selection TopicS

Demonstrate Understanding of Interviewing and Selection TopicS

For this week’s assignment, assume that you are the HR manager in a medium-sized hospital. One of the managers in the Radiology department has come to you for advice on selecting the best candidate for a position. The situation as described to you:

  • Both candidates are equally technically qualified for the position.
  • Both candidates are willing to work the shifts expected of this position.
  • One has a bachelor’s degree, one has an associate’s degree, both degrees are relevant to the education needed for this position.
  • One candidate is male, one is female. The position requires that more female procedures are performed than male procedures.
  • The male applicant is a single dad, the female has a stay-at-home husband.
  • The pay scale for this position is about average, although there is a nearby hospital that is paying more for the same job.
  • One candidate has lived here since childhood, one just moved here from a bigger city.

Based on this information, prepare a memo to the hiring manager with your recommendation. Include:

  • What additional information do you need to know in order to make the best recommendation to the hiring manager?
  • Suggestions on how to overcome the pay disparity issue if it is brought up by one or both applicants.
  • Counsel on what information provided should not be used in making the decision and why.
  • If the hiring manager can use cultural fit to help decide.
  • How the manager should make the ultimate decision.

Length: 4 pages, not including the title and reference page

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

Requirements: 4 pages/focus on the aging population/3 references

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