Discussion 6: Assessment and the Curriculum

Discussion 6: Assessment and the Curriculum

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In the past, evaluating instruction was generally perceived to take place at the end of the instructional process. However, evaluation that takes place during the process of instruction, referred to as formative assessment (Links to an external site.), provides important evidence and data for reteaching, accelerating, and/or providing additional learning experiences through various modes. Summative evaluation (Links to an external site.) comes at the end of instruction in the form of final exams, unit exams, or end of course exams.

Instructors should remember that there are numerous other techniques other than testing for evaluating student performance.


As an instructional leader, how will you influence the appropriate development and implementation of assessments followed by the use of assessment data to inform instructional practices?

  1. Be sure you cite your text book or at least 2 other sources and add resources at end.
  2. Be sure to respond to at least 2 classmates posts.

Requirements: 5 paragraphs

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