discussion question
For each item in Assignment sections “Watch”, “Read” and “Event”, each student is to write a 150-200-word discussion post as follows:
- What 2 or 3 key ideas did you learn from the videos, readings or events attended?
- What surprised you and why?
- Formulate 2 questions that you would like answered or points you would like clarified.
1.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #1 and #2 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)
2.Work by Google (https://rework.withgoogle.com/print/guides/5721312655835136/)
3.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #3 and #13 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)
4.“Creative Collaborations” (http://bit.ly/CreativeCollaborations)
5.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #5 and #18 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)
6.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #4 and #7 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)
7.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #8 and #16 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)
8.“How to Start a Startup” Video #19 (http://startupclass.samaltman.com/)
9.Kaufmann module “Entrepreneurial Selling” (https://www.entrepreneurship.org/learning-paths/entrepreneurial-selling