Autism spectrum disorder

Create a Group Proposal for a group therapy for parents of children with autism suffering from denial, depression and anxiety.

The paper should contain minimum of 6 pages. This group proposal should have 3 important parts: introductions (2 pages) talking about the topic, calling everyone who might be interested and explaining what is going to be the group about and why. Second part of the paper (2 pages) will talk about activities that will be done on this group, how many meetings per week, how big will this group last, how many people will be selected for this group, and everything that will be happening in order to help this specific population. Third and last part (2 pages) will consist of explanation of the final outcome and accomplishments that will be seen at the end.

In order to complete this group proposal and guide yourself use the attached document.

Requirements: minimum of 6 pages

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Further, the group will have voluntary members due to the need to respect their autonomy to decide if to enter the treatment and have higher chances of promoting attendance (DiCondina, 2016).

The general goal of this support group therapy is to help the target population improve their quality of life through sharing with peers and gaining coping mechanisms of the stressors. Generally, having such a support group for parents of children with autism is crucial.  Based on findings by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Miranda et al. (2019) explain that in every 59 children, 1 has autism in the United States. Clinically, these parents’ stress levels

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