
One Family—Many Issues


Discussion: One Family—Many Issues:  The multimedia piece this week, “The Four Cs of Issues and Trends: Change, Contexts, Consequences, and Constants,” introduced the four “categories” of issues and trends included in this course:

Big Five Personality Model to Bill Gates


Write a 3 page paper (APA style, double spaced) by applying the Big Five Personality Model to Bill Gates. The paper should also assess how much if any of the Dark Triad applies. The big 5 are (taken from Organizational Behavior):

The Legal Environment of Business Law


The Legal Environment of Business Law.  Donald is an agent representing Xmart, a large department store chain. Xmart has sent him to deal with Fred in regard to purchasing Fred’s land in order to erect a new store. When Donald first meets Fred, Fred calls Xmart to verify that Donald is in fact an agent authorized to deal on Xmart’s behalf. Xmart sends Fred a written confirmation of Donald’s authorization to act as its agent and states that a contract signed by Donald will be honored by Xmart. Donald and Fred meet every other day during the negotiations. While the negotiations are still ongoing, Donald is fired by Xmart because it doesn’t feel that he is making sufficient progress. Why is it important for Xmart to communicate with Fred regarding Donald’s firing? Answer this question.



Review the Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU video at Write a paper in which you identify and describe elements that you feel are of benefit or risk to both patients and nurses. Explain the benefits/risks and why you do or do not support this type of available technology. Your paper should be a minimum of three pages and written in APA format with at least two outside credible references.

Short essay in marketing


Short essay in marketing- The opening vignette of chapter 19 is about Oreo, including its real-time marketing efforts. Read the following very short articles which were the sources for the vignette:

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