
Career counseling


Access your MyCounselingLab account to view video clip titled “The Use of Metaphor” DO A VIDEO RESPONSE ON METAPHOR USE-  1PAGE… 

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In the video clip right away, the career counselor utilized a metaphor applying the radius an umbrella covers to the vast possibilities of a career for the client “investigating people and information”. He then proceeded to give the client the marker and encouraged her to further engaged in the metaphor as it pertained to other possible career paths involving investigative characteristic. This method appaired to be effective in that it got the client engaged and interested very early on in the session. The tangible manner of not just talking but writing out/brain storming ideas under the drawn-out umbrella and interpreting these ideas could be an advantage when utilizing metaphors. Instead of simply looking at numerical data/results after completing a multiple-choice assessment, using a simple metaphor in the video clip allowed the client to be more aware and come to these conclusions of her strengths on her own accord. In this way the client didn’t question or doubt herself because she came to the conclusion of her abilities to obtain a career out of the multiple career possibilities she had listed “hanging under the umbrella”. During the session as the client listed more possibilities “hanging under the umbrella” she appeared exciting and looked at utilization of the metaphor

Adolescents in elementary school


respond to the classmate


I think the part that really resonated with me about this interview was Dr. Dahir’s comment on adolescents’ need to find a career that awards them fame and fortune. It is not realistic for everyone to become a professional athlete, singer, or youtube personality. I think in our society we have conditioned adolescents to believe that if they just become famous they can gain a world of money and happiness to go along with it.

Evidence-based treatments


As a counselor, you will be making decisions on how to select evidence-based treatments. In your essay, demonstrate the decision-making process that you will use to choose one evidence-based treatment over another. Write a 1,000-1,250-word reflection essay on how to effectively utilize research in order to guide decision-making processes in the counseling profession. Include the following in your essay:

A discussion about how qualitative and quantitative research reports guide the decision-making process.

A discussion about the key characteristics of effective writing and publication in counseling and psychological research. How do these characteristics guide the decision-making processes?
Select a diagnosis and include an example of how research could assist in treatment.

Include a minimum of three scholarly resources in addition to the course textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Counseling supervision


In counseling supervision, ethical behavior and decision-making is extremely important and required by different ethical codes and legal statutes. This assignment will bring awareness of the ethical codes and legal statutes that relate to clinical supervision and will assist in the process of ethical decision-making through critical thinking.
Locate and review the Approved Clinical Supervisor, the American Counseling Association, and National Board for Certified Counselors codes of ethics.
Research specific legal statutes relevant to clinical supervision in your state. ‘State of Nevada’
Create a 50- to 100-word scenario of a situation that includes 2 to 3 ethical and legal dilemmas.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper explaining the ethical and legal dilemmas.
Include the following:
Provide your ethical and legal dilemmas in a clinical supervision scenario.

Outline the specific ethical codes and legal statutes relevant to the situation.
Explain how the ethical codes and legal statutes apply in the situation.

Therapist Skills


What are the most important attributes or skills a therapist should have to be effective in working with their clients?

Write 2 paragraphs for the above question

Career and Technical Education


How does the new Career and Technical Education (CTE) differ from the old Vocation Education (Voc Ed)? To carry this forward, what is “Linked Learning” and what do its supporters envision for it? It does offer a very active role for career counselors. What is your opinion of Linked Learning? Do you think it could be successfully introduced into our current educational system? Why or why not? 2 sources required for reference and citation, necessary one attached below. 600 words.

Required source:

Diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder


Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling

Vignette Analysis III

Note:  The course textbook is an edited text.  You must cite and reference correctly, in APA, 7th edition format.  Please see the file How To Cite and Reference the Course Textbook, under Resources that illustrates how to cite and reference correctly. PRIMARY RESOURCES:

These resources are required to complete the course.



Zur, O Editor   (2017).   Multiple relationships in psychotherapy and counseling: Unavoidable, common, and mandatory dual relations in therapy.   (1st).   Routledge.    ISBN: 978-1-138-93777-2

ISBN: 978-1-315-67613-5 (ebk)


These resources must be used to complete the assignments.


American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Code of Ethics.

If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


American Association of Applied Sport Psychology Ethics Code.

If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


(2014).   American Counseling Association Code of Ethics . 


If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


(2017).   American Psychological Association Code of Ethics. 


If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


How To Cite and Reference the Course Textbook. 

PSY 86801 APA citation-referencing textbook.docx


American Psychological Association   (2020).   Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.   (7th ed.). 

This assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of course concepts to the persons, and situations presented in the vignette. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. Your responses must be written in an original personal and/or professional synthesis of the text and research.

You must integrate the material presented in the assigned text.

You are also required to integrate additional evidence-based research, taken from professional journals, to support and enhance the textbook information. A minimum of 4, current, research articles are required



Each student will develop an 8-week psycho-educational group for working with a particular issue that children or adolescents face. Some suggested topics include:

Grief and loss

Social Skills
Online/Social Media Safety

Safe dating for teens

You will create a 2-sided brochure or flyer advertising the group. The brochure should address the “who, what, when where, and why” of the group. Be sure to include the following: an introduction which describes the theme and purpose of the group; the significance of group attendance (i.e., what would attendees have to gain from the group?); the screening criteria (e.g., age range, gender, etc.); when and where the group will meet; and your qualifications to lead the group (this can include your future aspirations for qualifications). Make sure that the theme for the group and the corresponding weekly topics and activities are developmentally appropriate for the age range you have selected.

The brochure must include eight weekly topics to be covered and corresponding activities to address each of the weekly topics. Be sure to include plenty of detail about

Person-centered therapy


Person-Centered Therapy: Concepts and Counselor Qualities

Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of person-centered counseling which fully explores the following categories:

What makes person-centered counseling an effective approach for clients with a wide range of presenting issues?

Describe the importance of genuineness being present in the counselor. How can a counselor maintain this quality with clients they may disagree with?
From a person-centered perspective, describe the role of empathy in assisting clients through a successful therapy process. How would a counselor balance the necessity of holding clients accountable with certain issues while still aiming to present a feeling of empathy during their interactions?

Solution-Focused Theory


Read the “Case Study Analysis” document and select one of six case studies.

Select one of the following theories that you feel best applies to treating the client in the case study:



Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of the case study using the theory you chose. Include the following in your analysis.

What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?
Describe the process of treatment using this theory. This should include a description of the length of treatment, the role of the counselor, and the experience of the client as they work from beginning to termination of therapy.
How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client? (Cite specific research findings)

Clinical mental health counselor


Write a 1,200-1,500-word essay that describes the characteristics and roles you hope to embody as a counselor and the counselor dispositions that you want to bring with you.

Middle childhood stage


Middle childhood is when children understand how they “measure up” in comparison to their peers. As the brain matures, children begin thinking logically, planning, evaluating, and applying strategies to solve problems. As we know, intelligence may be defined in many different ways. Answer the following questions in at least 150 words each question. Include at least ONE textual refrence from the sources posted.

1. Which theory of intelligence do you most agree with?

Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling


Culture, Diversity and Legal/Ethical consideration are required. You are encouraged to use outside cultural resources to enhance your understanding.

Discuss your understanding of the four domains of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC) that are critical to the development of multicultural and social justice competence

Assignment Outcome

Explore group leadership styles and approaches.& Discuss strategies in working with diverse populations.


This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, 7th edition, and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate your understanding of the material presented in the text. You may also use outside sources to enhance the text material, but not replace the text. Cite your work according to APA format.

Culture, Diversity and Legal/Ethical consideration are required. You are encouraged to use outside cultural resources to enhance your understanding.

National Center on Elder Abuse


List and define the seven types of elder abuse that were identified by the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA).
How would you approach the Ethical Dilemmas and Considerations that might arise regarding Euthanasia, Suicide, and Assisted Suicide?

It should be at least 500-600 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

Social and networking skills


Hi so this is the second part of the previous paper we did last time which is also about college counseling. You should conduct an interview with a counselor and we use the theories and things we talked about in paper one. You can find a person or see how you will do it and then I will just write the name of another counselor. Please pay attention to typos because I got points deducted bc of that last time.

In this phase, you will conduct or join an interview with a professional who is already working (or have recently worked) in the field you are hoping to enter.

Part 1. Reach out to one professional in the field who is working in your preferred career direction and schedule an interview about their work. If you have difficulty identifying a contact, please join one of the interviews arranged by the course instructors.

Part 2. Prepare for the interview with a set of approximately 5 questions that helps you understand their profession. Some of your questions may include:

Do you work from a theoretical orientation? If so, what?
What have you learned about your theoretical orientation since you started working? Has it shifted?
What do you enjoy the most about your work? The least?
What are some of the practical, social, emotional skills you find the most valuable in your work?
What relational skills are important in your work?
What does your working day look like?
What are some of the most challenging situations you have come across?

Part 3. Conduct or join the interview.

Counseling interview


Hi so this is the third paper in the class we already did two I will include them below.

This paper is supposed to be about a counseling interview with a person of choice. I will give you a name and than you can just say that you interviewed a friend. This paper has three parts to it. Each part is 2-4 pages. I want a total of 10 pages please do not do more or less. SO you have to pretend that you did an interview with that person and than write a paper based on it. The Paper has three parts and it is all explained in the prompt. In the two papers before we talked about using a theory and this theory you can use in the interview. You do not have to provide the interview itself just the three parts that are explain in the prompt. Please make sure to follow all the bullet points below each part and everything in APA and also the reference page. I will do the consent form part. For the references use the Diane Gehart book and you can use the same sources you have used in the paper before you have to have at least 5 if you want you can also find other academic sources. I will provide the link to the book.


Students will conduct a live mock interview with a colleague or student; record (audio or video) and write a case conceptualization paper. Students will write a theory-based case conceptualization that demonstrates their theoretical orientation and counseling skills. Students should demonstrate concepts learned throughout the program and coherently apply them to their own counseling practice. Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the program’s central tenets: multicultural responsiveness, social constructionist/postmodern theory, knowledge of trauma informed care and recovery movement principles.

Readings: Read articles and chapters related to counseling theory and single session interviews. Here, you may dive deeper into the research of your preferred orientation and counseling philosophy.

key concepts of psychoanalytic therapy


Initial Post:Identify two specific key concepts of psychoanalytic therapy that you think could apply in your counseling practice. Explain your choices.Be sure to connect your response to something you learned in Chapter 4.

Theories and Techniques of Counseling.


Initial Post: Social interest is a cornerstone concept in Adlerian theory. How could you encourage your clients to develop social interest? Additionally, what are your thoughts about the emphasis that Adlerians place on encouragement

Performance appraisal.


While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA

Person-centered therapist.


Initial Post:Reflect on what you imagine it would be like for you to be a client with a person-centered therapist.How do you think you would react to a lack of structure and direction from a therapist? Additionally, if you were to restrict your counseling practice to the framework of person-centered

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