
Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation Theory


How do you judge your ability to accomplish a goal? The concept of self-efficacy refers to beliefs you possess regarding your own capabilities to complete a task successfully. For example, some artists might rate themselves as having a high self-efficacy for painting, but having a low self-efficacy for writing. In most instances, before initiating actions and engaging in behaviors leading to goal attainment, individuals assess the amount of time and effort they are willing to spend in its pursuit. Because human beings tend to choose the road of least resistance, especially when they anticipate difficulties along the way, self-efficacy theory helps them assess their capabilities to reach personal and professional goals successfully.

By practicing principles posited by self-regulation theory, human beings are able to monitor and adjust their behaviors in order to reach personal and professional goals. The ability to choose behaviors likely to lead to goal attainment and reject behaviors likely to lead to goal failure provides individuals with effective self-management skills.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief explanation of how self-efficacy theory (personal goal setting) contributes to self-regulation theory. Then select one theory (self-efficacy or self-regulation) and explain how that theory might be applied to complete your graduate degree. Be specific and provide examples.

Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder


Exposure therapy has long been a method for helping clients address contexts and scenarios that are distressing. For clients who have a fear of elevators or agoraphobia, creating situations in which the client may learn to address their fears may not pose a problem. For others whose situational fears are dangerous or otherwise difficult to recreate in therapy sessions, virtual reality therapy provides a means through which exposure may be created.

Virtual reality therapy shows particular promise in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for individuals exposed to war or violence. It has been applied with civilians as well as military personnel, and with equipment as simple as projectors and headphones to head-mounted displays, controllers shaped like rifles, olfactory inputs, and environments that vibrate (Motraghi et al., 2014). Likewise, virtual reality therapy may be useful in treatment with addiction, where exposure to situations or substances may pose too great a risk of release at a particular point in time. For instance, treatment with a recovering alcoholic might include a virtual bar scene.

In-Residence and Online Experience


During the in-residence component of the course, you interacted with and received feedback from faculty and peers, participated in academic sessions, and practiced skills development. What did you learn from participating in the in-residence component of the course? What was the most valuable aspect of the in-residence component, both professionally and personally? Consider future steps for your continued professional development.

By Day 4

Post a synthesis of your experiences during the in-residence component and the online course in Weeks 1 through 9. Then, explain which aspects were most valuable for you both personally and professionally. Be sure to include any insights gained from the Learning Resources and from the in-residence component. Finally, explain what professional development steps you will take to continue building on what you learned and experienced online and during the in-residence component.

Be sure to support your post with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Required Readings
Brown, D., Pryzwansky, W. B., & Schulte, A. C. (2011). Psychological consultation and collaboration: Introduction to theory and practice (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Chapter 7, “The Skills and Characteristics of Consultants and Collaborators” (pp. 133–151)



During this course, you have examined theory, process, and methods in the fields of consultation and supervision. You have ideally gained theoretical and empirical knowledge as well as relevant practical skills needed to function as consultants and supervisors.

For the Final Paper, you demonstrate your self-awareness and insight via a paper that synthesizes your reflections from both the in-residence and online components of this course.
In this paper, you should choose either supervision or consultation (clearly identifying which area) and include the following:

Your follow-up thoughts and reflections based on feedback you received and experiences you had in-residence
A discussion of your strengths and skills that require further development

Specific plans for professional growth related to your skills that require further development, including an honest evaluation of your ability to provide culturally competent supervision or consultation
A description of your current theoretical orientation to supervision or consultation, how you arrived at this decision, and the key factors that have influenced you

Case conceptualization and treatment


In Weeks 4 and 5, you completed case conceptualization and treatment planning for an adult. Recall that the approaches and techniques you selected were chosen from those within the therapy approach that you selected to apply to the case (either CBT or REBT). To complete case conceptualization and treatment planning for children and adolescents (as well as adults with developmental disabilities), psychologists also must consider how to adapt standard CBT/REBT techniques so that they are developmentally appropriate for individual clients.

Clients in the pre-operational stage of cognitive development may not be able to understand logic or problem solving, but can engage in role play and use realia as symbols. Adolescents in the formal operational stage of cognitive development may be able to reason abstractly and test alternate viewpoints, but may display poor ability to identify emotions. They may also be hesitant to disclose information to adults (especially parents) or risk embarrassment. Adapting techniques for developmental level and specific disorders requires creativity and flexibility on the part of the psychologist. It is important to note that for some age groups and issues, there are empirically supported products available for purchase. A good example of this is Coping Cat, a CBT program for children with anxiety disorders.

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