Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Letter from a Birmingham Jail Inbox

class final essay

For this Final Assignment, you will write an essay based on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Letter from a Birmingham Jail you can access it here (Links to an external site.)

You will write an essay that covers the following topics:

  • Define the purpose of the letter
  • Summarize three main points of the letter,
  • Who is his audience?
  • Analyze the letter and describe how it fits into the Rogerian Model.
    • use explicit examples and the terminology (from your book) that informs the reader of the manner in which this letter meets the criteria for the Rogerian model.
    • how does the letter achieve the following: (HINT : Build your thesis around these items)
  • Requirements:
    1. Must use MS WORD
    2. must be in MLA format (30 pts deduction for non-MLA format)
    3. 1250 word count
    4. use 3-5 quotes from the text
    5. Include a Works Cited

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