Explain why New Employee Orientation and Training is an important aspect of Health and Safety Performance Management

Explain why New Employee Orientation and Training is an important aspect of Health and Safety Performance Management

  • No more than 3 pages, calibre font 11, single space
  • Marks will be deducted for grammar, lack of content, esthetics, – meaning a professionally done paper

Tom is a new employee at XYZ Company Ltd which just started operating 3 months ago. The company provides administrative support to several construction contractors. On his first day Tom inquired about when he would receive his New Employee Orientation and OHS Training. His supervisor chuckled and explained to Tom that there was no need since he would be working in an office environment and was coming in with over 15 years’ experience as an Administrative Assistant. Tom was surprised at first but thought it was for the best since there was already a stack of documents for him to process waiting for him at his new desk.

Explain why NewHR491 Senior Seminar in Human Resource Development Week 5 Current Event Exercise Employee Orientation and Training is an important aspect of Health and Safety Performance Management and why it is essential for all work environments and roles including Office environments and administrative roles.

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