Field Experience Interview Discipline Process

Field Experience Interview Discipline Process

Field Experience Interview Discipline Process

Important policies, guidelines, and procedures are mandated concerning the discipline of students who receive special education services. The staff, parents, district and campus administration, and related service providers may all be involved in the decision making process regarding consequences for actions that may be related to the disability. There are procedural processes involved in determining the following: manifestation hearings, the need to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA), and the development and implementation of behavior intervention plans (BIP). IEP team members must also document decisions regarding suspension, expulsion, or a need for a change of placement. Administrators, lead teachers, and other key special education staff are responsible for implementing the policies and disciplinary regulations. Failure to comply with these important regulations can place these individuals and the district in a liable situation.

Allocate at least 2 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Interview two of the following: a principal; assistant principal; administrator; lead special education teacher; school psychologist, or behavior interventionist/coach.

Discuss the role in which the interviewee plays regarding the following:

  • In your role, what types of discipline issues have you found to be the most common with students with disabilities?
  • In regards to IDEA, what is your responsibility regarding the discipline components for students identified as receiving special education services?
  • How do you play a role with in-school suspension versus out-of-school suspension for students who receive special education services?
  • How are you involved in the decision making process regarding the discipline of students with disabilities?
  • What types of data do you collect regarding behavior/discipline issues of students with disabilities? If you do not collect the data, do you review the data to assist with any discipline issues?
  • How are special education services provided to students with disabilities who are suspended, if needed? Does your role have responsibilities in determining or providing these services or ensuring these services are met?
  • What other additional insight can you offer in the areas of due process, discipline, and student/family rights related to your role and responsibilities?

In 250-500 words, summarize your interviews and reflect upon professional practices related to legal and ethical discipline for students with disabilities. Discuss the similarities and differences of roles and responsibilities based on your feedback from the interviews. In addition, provide any additional insight the interviewees provided you might not have realized until now. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Requirements: 250-500 words

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