how covid impact the business and its future

how covid impact the business and its future

I need 2 paragraphs (approx. 150-200 words each)

Paragraph 1: conduct research on the company houlihan lokey

specify how covid will impact this company and its future


1. topic sentence

2. how the company is currently impacted by covid (good/bad influences, how services/clients are impacted)

3. what influence covid will have on the company’s future (will the service be different? will the way this company deliver service be different? will they have new service or will any current service will be cut)

Paragraph 2: conduct research on the investment Banking Industry


1. topic sentence

2. how the IB industry is affected by covid (from the perspective of service, company, employment, revenue, etc)

3. what the future of IB industry be like under the impact of covid.

Requirements: 350-400 words in total

Read the instruction carefully and let me know if you have any questions. MLA style.

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