How does the culture imagined by Huxley in “Brave New World” compare to modern American culture? Are we living in a dystopia?

How does the culture imagined by Huxley in “Brave New World” compare to modern American culture? Are we living in a dystopia?

Directions: Write a multi-paragraph, argumentative or expository essay on one of the prompts below. Yes, I said, “multi-paragraph.” I’m not giving you a specific number; think carefully about your response and support before deciding on a length. Don’t take the easy way out just because you can! Be sure to support your claims (and counterclaims/ refutations if applicable) with evidence from the novel cited correctly. Remember: essays require a beginning, middle, and end.

Present a professional document, w/ correct MLA (in-text citations and double spaced), quote integration, transitions, and exemplary grammar/ punctuation. Don’t forget a strong thesis statement where you include the author and title of the novel.

Prompt: How does the culture imagined by Huxley in “Brave New World” compare to modern American culture? Are we living in a dystopia?

The book is called “Brave New World” written by Aldous Huxley. There is a pdf on google that is free to use. This is my prompt: How does the culture imagined by Huxley in “Brave New World” compare to modern American culture? Are we living in a dystopia?

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