How to deal with unpleasant co workers?

How to deal with unpleasant co workers?

Please see attached document for requirements and guidelines. The topic paper is how to deal with unpleasant co workers.

Topic Paper: How to deal with unpleasant co-workers

I found these two articles:


You will be reviewing and writing about at least 2 current articles on a timely HR issue or HRM in practice (See above for topic paper). You may use sources from a current newspaper and/or business magazine (Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Business Week, Time, Fortune, Fast Company, etc.) or articles on their websites.  (See above for the two articles I found). You can be creative in searching the web for materials, just make sure the information you find is from reliable sources (i.e. not someone’s blog or website).



While I would strongly prefer the articles both cover different aspects of the same topic so they can be compared and contrasted, I will reluctantly accept two non-related articles.

The paper should contain a brief synopsis of the articles (about 1 page each), but most of it should relate the articles to what you are learning in class and commentary on what you read.  While there is an expectation of good business writing, grading will be based mainly on the content of your paper – your understanding, analysis and interpretation of the articles you select.



The paper should be no less than FOUR (4) pages, double spaced, with a 1-inch margin and using a normal 12-point font, Times New Roman. Any “title” page will not be counted as part of the 4 pages. It should contain a brief synopsis of the articles (about 2 pages for both) but mostly your commentary on what you read.



–          Following guidelines for length, formatting, grammar, footnotes, bibliography, copies of articles, etc.

–          Synopsis of the articles (i.e., what did the articles say – briefly)

–          Reflections on your articles in relation to class/textbook materials – how is this the same, different or another aspect of what is in your textbook or what we’re learning in class?

–          Analysis of the articles (i.e. what did you think about the information, how did the articles relate to each other and the business world?  Does it make sense?)  In other words, don’t just tell me what you read and learned, tell me what you thought about it.

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