I need help doing a project in juvenile deliquency

I need help doing a project in juvenile deliquency

In this project, you will conduct an observation by observing the behavior, fashion, and fad of a group of teens in your community, such as at the mall, skating rink, church restaurant, neighborhood, Walmart, Convenient store, and so on.


In this project, I will conduct an observation by observing the behavior, fashion, and fad of a group of teens in your community, such as at the mall, skating rink, church restaurant, neighborhood, Walmart, Convenient store, and so on.

This assignment must be completed between Monday, September 20, and Thursday, September 30.

Critical Thinking

When you’ve finished your observation, go to the discussion area and share your observations with your classmates. Can the threat of punishment curb delinquent behavior? If not, how can it be controlled? Can and should parents have control over the fashion and fab of teenagers or should they simply let them be themselves?

(500 words)

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