In this module, we began to cover material Inbox

In this module, we began to cover material

Writing Question

In this module, we began to cover material about cultural differences in prevalence and patterns of alcohol use, and learned that there are substantial disparities in alcohol-related problems and treatment. We are going to focus more narrowly on some of these health disparities later on in the semester, but I first want us to delve a bit deeper into differences in drinking norms across cultures.

For this assignment, you will:

  1. Choose a cultural or societal group. This can be a country (e.g., Germany, India), a racial or ethnic group (e.g., Native Hawaiian individuals, Latinx individuals), religious group (e.g., Muslim individuals, Jewish individuals), or a specific population within the United States (e.g., gender minority youth, first generation college students).
  2. Describe the role of alcohol within the group or society that you have chosen. Describe any laws, norms, functions, or history of alcohol use within this group. What can you find regarding when and why alcohol is consumed? Were you able to find information regarding how rates of drinking compare to individuals from other groups? Feel free to include any information you think is relevant or interesting. You should integrate objective findings (you must cite at least 1 academic source) along with your own thoughts and reflections.


  • Your assignment should be 1-2 pages (double-spaced) not including references or headings
  • You must integrate something from the required course reading or other academic/scientific sources (be sure to properly cite everything!) along with your own thoughts and reflections.

Requirements: 1-2 pages

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