In what ways did the movie get the Hollywood treatment? What was changed? What was left out? Use specifics – scenes, characters, events.

In what ways did the movie get the Hollywood treatment? What was changed? What was left out? Use specifics – scenes, characters, events.

Each of the movies listed below presents a historical event/person relating to enslavement during the Antebellum period. This assignment asks you to consider the ways one of these movies modify historical events to fit Hollywood’s dramatic standards. You also need to know what is accurate and what is not accurate in the movie. Read about slavery in your textbook, and find at least two additional relevant scholarly sources. Make sure your additional sources are specific to the aspect of slavery presented in the movie.

Then write an essay analyzing the differences between history and the movie. Make sure to answer the following questions:

1) In what ways did the movie get the Hollywood treatment? What was changed? What was left out? Use specifics – scenes, characters, events.

2) What was the impact of those changes? In what ways is the movie better or worse for them? How does it impact the audience and the audience’s understanding of the topic?

NUTS AND BOLTS: Write at least 1000 words (roughly 4 pages, double spaced). Use at least two scholarly sources (Links to an external site.). One can be a textbook. (Remember to cite your sources – including the movie – using a standard format such as MLA)

Requirements: 1000   |   .doc file

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