LA 400 American Vision and Values_Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

LA 400 American Vision and Values_Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

Learning Objective: The impact and influences of values: A Case Study

This week’s assignment is a case study about people who were agents of moral change. For either of this week’s assignment options, students are instructed to engage in their own research. One or more primer articles have been provided to start your research. However, students are to include a minimum of two unique, external articles which pertain to their study subject. Students may use Wikipedia as a reference for this assignment.

Specifically, for either of these assignments, students are to use and cite two external documents, at least one Primer (or provided article), the article by Oldenquist, or Kluger, or Tomasellos, and an assigned reading article from a previous week. If you have questions, please ask.

Subject to the note above, research the life and accomplishments of one of the following moral agents of change: Malala Yousaf Zai, Standing Bear, W.E.B. Du Bois, Mitsuye Endo, Hannah Arendt, or Cesar Chavez. For this assignment, examine the life and actions of one of these individuals and then answer the following questions:

Each Assignment requires:

  • 600 words min
  • double spaced
  • a thesis statement,
  • an APA style bibliography,
  • use of APA style in-line citations, and
  • adherence to the 3+1 Rule.

The 3+1 Rule requires students to use a minimum of three assigned readings from the current week and one from a previous week. This rule encourages students to review and connect the assigned readings from week to week.

this week content

required readings

optional readings

Meet the Hero: Mitsuye Endo, Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes

last weeks content

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