Leadership Definition

Leadership Definition

Based on everything that you have so far learned and read in this module, it is time to try to put into words your own personal definition of what a leader is…there is no right or wrong definition- it is more a creative statement of what you see as the central theme of leadership and the person doing the leading- you!

Write a 2-3 sentence definition of leadership that has the most meaning to you.This may take some time and effort to create–even though it is only 1, 2 or 3 sentences in length, please use professional terms, and leave out words like: “I think..” “I believe…” “To me a leader is…”etc. (do not write in the first person).

Here is an example from a past student of the type and quality of thought that I am looking for:

“Leadership is being able to inspire, influence and guide others in a specific direction in order to achieve a particular goal. A leader acts as a facilitator to promote new ideas, leads by example, and is able to motivate and support others in their journey.”

Requirements: 3 sentences

Leadership is generally accepted to be defined as the ability to move or influence others toward achieving individual or group goals. But how do we get to be a leader, and who would we categorize as an example of a leader? These are questions that have been attempted to be answered through the development of various leadership theories– how to explain and how to understand the process of becoming or being a leader.

As an introduction to leadership we will explore the more common theories that have been developed in an attempt to more fully understand this human behavior. What is a leader? Industrial/Organizational psychologists do not seem to be able to agree on a definition. One way to understand leadership, however, is through the differences between a leader and an authority. Authorities are those who hold formal positions that give them the power to direct the behavior of their subordinates. Managers, supervisors, and bosses are authorities. They may or may not also be leaders, depending on whether they rely solely on their official positions when applying influence on others. A true leader does not use force and coercion to direct his or her followers toward a common goal.

Another brief way to view the above paragraph:

The boss…The leader…
assigns taskssets the pace
says “I”says “we”
says “Go”says “Let’s go”
drives peopleguides people
depends on authoritydepends on good will
creates feardevelops confidence

this is for general knowledge

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