Moviereview + Easyfreewriting, youcanshareyourideas !

Moviereview + Easyfreewriting, youcanshareyourideas !

There are 2 parts to this essay question. Each part should be in a separate page(s).


Part 1: Respond to the following prompt: (separate page)( FOCUS ON PART 1 PLEASE, IT HAS MORE POINTS )

attached is the key concepts sheet for chapter 35 and chapter 36.

Using a minimum of 350 words total.

Your essay should be well-written and edited. Also, it should be no less than 350 words in length and address all aspects of the prompt.


Prompt 1: Describe what your life would be like during the Second World War. You could be a solider, civilian, leader, woman, kid...whatever you want. This assignment must be over a page long…. more details, the better! more details, the better!

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Part 2:

The links document for part 1:

attached is key concepts sheet for chapter 34.


Prompt 2:

Using a minimum of 200 words total.

watch the movie, and pretend you are a movie reviewer. Did you like the movie? Why or why not? Also, what in the movie relates to what you read in chapter 34? Write two paragraphs(100 words each) in which you will express your personal ideas and thoughts about the movie and try to answer the prompt.


Notes: (applies for both part 1 and part 2)

  • You can use citations within your essay for each of your sources. (Author’s last name, Date) I want you to use your own words. Do NOT copy paste anything from the internet that might be considered as plagiarism.
  • PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pay attention and do not copy paste anything from the internet that might be considered as plagiarism. If you do so, I will request a refund immediately. The writing will be checked strictly against any kind of plagiarism.
  • I want you to use your own words. Do NOT copy paste anything from the internet that might be considered as plagiarism.
  • PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pay attention and do not copy paste anything from the internet that might be considered as plagiarism. If you do so, I will request a refund immediately. The writing will be checked strictly against any kind of plagiarism.

Requirements: 550 words (work cited not included)

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