Notes to Financial Statement

Notes to Financial Statement


Access EDGAR | Company filings (Links to an external site.) and search for a company of your choice using “Company Name Search.” Once you are on the company’s current page, click on 10-K “Interactive Data.” Tell the class the name of the company you chose and discuss the information provided on their “Notes to Financial Statements” page. Choose a different company than your classmates.

Part 2

A number of software tools (such as Hitachi Xinba XBRL Reader and Analyzer, a Microsoft Excel add-in, Altova MapForce, Rivet Software’s Crossfire and CrossView, and Calcbench) that have been designed to fully exploit XBRL data. Supporters of extensible business reporting language (XBRL) have long touted its potential to transform financial data mining and analysis.

Provide an example of a publicly-traded company/investor/financial analyst that uses XBRL software. How has it aided data mining and analysis? Is it a worthwhile venture?

Requirements: 2 Pages

Part 1

Access EDGAR | Company filings (Links to an external site.) and search for a company of your choice using “Company Name Search.” Once you are on the company’s current page, click on 10-K “Interactive Data.” Tell the class the name of the company you chose and discuss the information provided on their “Notes to Financial Statements” page. Choose a different company than your classmates.

Part 2

A number of software tools (such as Hitachi Xinba XBRL Reader and Analyzer, a Microsoft Excel add-in, Altova MapForce, Rivet Software’s Crossfire and CrossView, and Calcbench) that have been designed to fully exploit XBRL data. Supporters of extensible business reporting language (XBRL) have long touted its potential to transform financial data mining and analysis.

Provide an example of a publicly-traded company/investor/financial analyst that uses XBRL software. How has it aided data mining and analysis? Is it a worthwhile venture?

Requirements: 2 Pages

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