Paper over drug use and abuse using the film “Requiem for a dream”

Paper over drug use and abuse using the film “Requiem for a dream”

Using the film, “Requiem for a Dream,” Discuss the nature of drug use and abuse, whether there is a difference between being addicted to legal or illegal drugs, ONE theoretical explanation for drug abuse, and the physical, psychological, and legal ramifications of using these drugs. Make sure to incorporate examples from the film into your analysis.

The paper must be between 5-7 pages (excludes title page and reference pages). The paper must be a minimum of 5 full pages, written in APA format, 12 font, and you must follow the rubric (see rubric requirement in Canvas). At least 5 academic sources must be used (journals or books; no websites allowed); Government documents may be used but do not count toward your final source count. Note: This is NOT a summary of the film and film examples are used as a means to support your academic arguments. Please remember that this is an academic paper, so you should avoid opinion and personal stories.

All papers should include the following:

Title Page


  • Should be about a paragraph explaining to the reader specifically what you are going to address
  • Should have a clear thesis statement…Normally, the last sentence of the paragraph


  • Should clearly address each aspect of the prompt
  • You should use academic literature primarily to establish arguments
  • The film should only be used to support the literature...Integration not summarization
  • Subheadings will help organize your thoughts
  • Must use in-text citations
  • No more than 1 direct quote per page is recommended


  • Wrap up what you have discussed

Reference Page

  • Minimum of 5 academic sources (e.g. refereed journal articles)…you can use your textbook as a source
  • Must be cited in APA…please see the handout. Include time in your citations.
  • Any source used in your reference page must be used in your paper.
Note: Use of professional academic language is a must in all assignments.

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