Pathophysiology MSN

Pathophysiology MSN

APA 6th edition required

references more than 2 and no older than 5 years

in word format

Mr. J, age 42, is a construction worker in Las Vegas. He recently noticed that a mole on his face seemed to be getting larger and darker. At first he did not worry because he was in the sun a lot and assumed the change may have been caused by sunburn. After a month, not only was the mole larger and darker, but it appeared to be “bumpy.” His doctor diagnosed a malignant melanoma skin cancer following biopsy of the nevus. Mr. J reports pain in his right shin that does not go away when he puts his feet up or sleeps.

Discussion Questions

  • Relate Mr. J’s skin changes to the warning signs for malignant melanoma.
  • Discuss the normal progression of this malignancy. What is the significance of the bone pain that Mr. J is experiencing?
  • Discuss the treatment available for this patient and the prognosis for recovery.

Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your responses with at least 2 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication. All paragraphs need to be cited properly. Please use headers. All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences.…

this is the link for the text book.

you can use it but not as reference.

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